A face only a mother could love...


the close up does look bad. loved the bucktooth comment. but in its over all context i think it looks fine. actually goes well with the rest of the bike.

the close up does look bad. loved the bucktooth comment. but in its over all context i think it looks fine. actually goes well with the rest of the bike.
Yup, the bike as a whole has some nice touches, it's just the front/face of the bike (as the thread title states) that I think looks weird.
That dosn't look as bad as the new multistrada. Not to me, anyway.



This thing looks like it should be out pollinating flowers.
I have been looking at it since a while, in magazines, and after a while, as I started getting in use to the "different" style, i started liking it, honestly. I also congratulate those Moto Morini engineers / marketing gurus, for the courage to go on with something different.

I also agree that all current vehicles use hughe glass houses to install these small projector reflectors, any day now I expect to see a cage with some design discarding the old-style glass houses and start putting just the reflectors. Is going to be interesting to see what designers comes with.

Regards to all.