
that's BS. I'm new here yet I donated. But I now feel cheated. Looks like the decision was already made but the request for donation was not to fight Yamaha but to help someone pay the lawyer fees.
that's BS. I'm new here yet I donated. But I now feel cheated. Looks like the decision was already made but the request for donation was not to fight Yamaha but to help someone pay the lawyer fees.

lol..and guess what the lawyer fees were used for..:thumbup:
that's BS. I'm new here yet I donated. But I now feel cheated. Looks like the decision was already made but the request for donation was not to fight Yamaha but to help someone pay the lawyer fees.

I can understand the feeling of "cheated" for the new members here. but rest assured that you were not. This forum has been around a while and it is one of the best ones out there. The admin and mods (who do not "make" money off of this) put in alot of their time and work to make this place great. It does cost money to run this place and I am quite sure that the normal donations do not cover all of the expenses incurred to run this place.

For everything that they do to how much the admin puts in to how big of a resource this place is, I am sure you got your moneys worth!! :thumbup:

edit: if you don't feel so, I will run another contest soon and you'll have a chance to get some free stuff!!
that's BS. I'm new here yet I donated. But I now feel cheated. Looks like the decision was already made but the request for donation was not to fight Yamaha but to help someone pay the lawyer fees.

How so you think anyone can help WITHOUT paying lawyers fees.

Your donation helped Admin get 3 hours of a lawyers time. Thank you for that. Up until then he had paid out of his own pocket - it was a lot of money. The donation thread was up front and honest. Lots of people donated what they could afford. Thank you for that :thumbup:

Unfortunately "Yamahahaha" have a full time legal department on their payroll.

We didn't stand a chance and it would take a lot more than 3 hours of a lawyers time.

We can't do anything about it. Yep, it sux but the big guys won the battle.

This forum has had a name change. THAT'S ALL.

We still have the same incredible members and great staff.

I'm sorry you think you were ripped off but that is so far from the truth. Nobody has ripped anyone off. All the Admins and Moderators donate their "free time" to give you this great forum and we all would have loved to take up the fight to them.

EVERY ONE of the members here make up this wonderful forum


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While we are on the subject......

I don't feel ripped off....... :D :D Disappointed that Yamahahaha did this to us but we complied, we survived & well.... My forum family is still here everyday when I log in & I thank you all for your donations :thumbup: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
just wanted to say thank you to those that put in their time to this site, and I must say going around the internet and other bike forums, this is my fav to log into daily.
The way I see it, Yamaha is blowing off its big toe. I mean, really, you're going to listen to your attorneys over enthusiastic Yamaha riders promoting your product and recognizing your identity? Excuse me. How much do you want for licensing? Are you sure you want Yamaha riders in your circle? How often do you participate in this forum anyway, you're certainly not going to upset any current record posting records.

Oh well, I guess all you corporations are this way? Thought there was something more to it all. Maybe Ducati treats its product owners better.
Ripped off? I'm really trying to get my head around that statement? Do you feel that Yamaha sponsors the site? How the heck does a change in URL make you feel ripped off? This site, as many have stated, is about it's members. Not a motorcycle.

Regardless thanks for donating.
Years of being with this family has been great and will continue to be great and thank you admin for all you have done to fight for us. Newbies we will understand how you feel but admin would not ever try to deceive you. We will keep being a family and will get more than you could ever have expected from a forum sight. We as old school were more than happy to pay because we know admin has paid to fight for us, and we are happy to help out.