6 bike comparo with the FZ6

Bike Comparo

I Thought That The Page Was Good . They Had Some Nice Things To Say About Our Bike . Some Bad But ??? I Do Have To Agree With What They Are Saying About The Throttle Reponse At Low Speeds , Is There Anything To Help Remedy That? I Think The Suzuki Won Just By Being An Ok Bike That Is Cheap. The Honda Is A Nice Bike But Have You Ever Drove One They Are Very Uncomfortable.
I don't think its as bad now as when I first got my FZ6, I think I've gotten smoother with the throttle so its not as noticable.carrying alittle higher corner speed and not completely closing the throttle, and trail breaking, have seemed to help the mid corner jerk at throttle up go away, or if your just cruising run a higher gear.
maybe something

I don't know if it can be done, but the 2007 has the fuel injection re-tuned to deal with the throttle. I can't compare a 2006 to a 2007 throttle, but maybe something could be done using 2007 info/data.
There are some newer reviews out, they just arent in the magazines indexs online yet. I think Motorcyclist has one this month. Not sure it may be another mag.
It was improved for 07.
I do know that since I practiced the slow throttle roll on roll off drill in total control it is a non issue for me. He calls it the Freddie Spencer method of throttle control.
The only time I notice some throttle jerk on my 07 is when I'm pulling through an intersection from a stop in first and the car in front of me slows and then goes again but it's not too bad. Most of the time I can keep it from getting the jerks but if I don't it can snap pretty hard. What sucks is if I go ahead and grab second it wants to lug at the lower speeds. I guess that's just a side effect of having a high strung engine.
The only time I have any jerking is under 7mph. It just feels that it would like some more throttle. Its smooth other then that, much smoother then my Ninja.