50mph speed limit - consultation

These checkpoints are purely to stop motorcyclists. Not cars. I was stopped last year. I was completely legal, going below the speed limit and was pulled over to have my bike and documents checked. The reason the police officer said when I asked him, was that dead motorcyclists cost too much money to clean up.

And if there is anything wrong, then of course you get a fine to swell the coffers of the government. And 3 points on your licence.

anything for the government to make a buck right...
There has also been talk of reducing some speeding offences down to 2 points from 3. That's nice now you can get fined 6 times instead of 4 before losing your license and ceasing to become a revenue stream.

Of course they will cry safety it's currently the biggest coverall cop out going these days.

Disagree with anyone bellowing health and safety? please go and stand in that corner with satan.
Tell me this one is about safety....

BBC - Humber - BBC Radio Humberside - Breakfast Blog

That 'van' was used in East Yorkshire. I never saw it myself, but I can't see how it can be seen as a safety camera van in any way shape or form. I listened to the radio on the way to work and the police officer in control of such activities justified is with "we were trying to catch a few persistant motorcyclists... and the camera limit on that day was set to 90mph" He's obviously unsure whether his staff are police officers or candid camera men...
It's all about revenue... The governemt have got themselves into one big hole and the motorist has to dig them out of it.

Where has that advert with the little girl in gone... the one that said she died cos the driver was doing 40 but she would have lived had he been doing 30mph. Disappeared because now they say 30 kills so we will reduce it to 20! total Bo****cks!

IF everyone was a perfect driver there would be no need for seat belts in cars, crash helmets on bikes etc.

It's time they legislated to make drivers better, rather than reduce speed limits/gain revenue How many of us have come up behind the old biddy in a Honda Jazz/VW Polo.
and thought... how slow is this thing going to go. They do 40 in what is currently a 60 limit and expect people just to tag on behind, they create frustration in other road users and cause more accidents that way.

OK I'm back to the ward now... I feel a lot better Nurse!
This government really will get the country back on it's feet.

It'll be quicker to walk!

Mr Brown; this is for you :spank: you need it.