4TH Photo Contest

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Feb 9, 2007
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4TH Photo Contest

Well it looks like it has already started sooooooo lets do a general anything goes, may the best photo win....:cheer:

The winner will get an Elite Membership and a little something extra.. (Its a surprise);)

The contest will end Sept 30th

Good luck
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I posted a couple, but one came out really fuzzy... if admin can get rid of it, I will post a better pic

Spoke too soon, explored and found out I could remove it myself *D'oh*
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do we submit via PM? or the BOTM thread? Do you prefer the riders in or out of pics?
do we submit via PM? or the BOTM thread? Do you prefer the riders in or out of pics?

BOTM and the photo contest are two separate contests. Go up to the top of the page, on the right, and put the cursor on Games and then it will have a drop down menu....click on photo contest and upload the pics there. You can submit any kind of picture...it doesn't have to be a bike.
I posted a couple of pictures the contest before last but I posted them late the night before the contest ended, and nobody even voted on them, probably because nobody saw them. Can I repost them?
I posted a couple of pictures the contest before last but I posted them late the night before the contest ended, and nobody even voted on them, probably because nobody saw them. Can I repost them?

go ahead. :thumbup:
Hey hey hey how in the hell am I suppose to post anything good. I live in Indiana for crying out loud. You know the best thing to do in Indiana is........ pack up and get the hell out. What am I going to take a picture of really come on. The people who live across the drink have all kinds of historical and beautiful things to take pictures of and the people who live along the coast and places like Florida and Cali by golly...... Well I am just kidding I guess I just wanted to express how much this beloved corn state lacks its beauty.....:spank:
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