4001 miles



Well as of 1150 pm on 5-26-07 I have 4001 miles on my bike. I got it 4-10-07 and have been riding it for 45 days.
Avg of 88.9 miles per day. Hee Hee Heee. LOL

I still love it.
Went on a ride with a ZZR 600 today. He is a nice guy but doesnt wear gear or a helmet. I talked to him about why I do, and I will keep telling him, hopefully he will see why they are important.

I have about 2 mm of chicken strip on the right of the rear, and about 5 on the left. That is from parking lot practice and not extreme lean angle on the street.

Anyway its a blast and I love this bike. :D
Hey Steve, that's impressive! I got my bike around the same time (4-6-07) and have 1900 miles. But how fast have you got it goin... I use it everyday since this is my only mode for transport. Thanks for the oil filter tip by the way, I did get myself the Puralator One that you recommended, however, I had to go with the smaller one since the first choice was not in stock.

Good deal. LOL
I have had it up to registered 135 mph. You?
The oilfilters are from CalSci, OrangeValeFJR's friend that made the windshield for Sherry.
I love this bike.
6001 miles in 74 days.
Still loving my bike.

Avg 81 miles per day.
I hear those higher RPM's in 6th calling me. Like a good Catholic girl, I know I must not give in, or else I'm going to rip it up like the Rick James I know I am.

85mph on the clock...probably done faster and not noticed.

Must resist temptations!
I hear those higher RPM's in 6th calling me. Like a good Catholic girl, I know I must not give in, or else I'm going to rip it up like the Rick James I know I am.

85mph on the clock...probably done faster and not noticed.

Must resist temptations!

that is how I feel.... I only have 350 miles on it so far... :( rain...

I have had it for 15 days so far:)
Since I started commuting to my new job, I almost always do at least 80 with the flow of traffic to get home. I've done three digits many times passing people. The bike feels amazing...I think its the airbox mod and ram-air effect at high speeds.
im a weekend rider with my buddies but they all have much faster bikes so on the highways i struggle to keep up especially since this bike tops out at 160-165 (depending on wind and road) and they are all cruising at 170+ so sometimes i wish i could be that much faster but then i also know its gonna hurt that much less....
and they are all cruising at 170+

They are cruising at 170? I'll say what everyone is thinging! WTF!!! You have a bunch of friend that will soon meet their maker!! I can't say anymore without potentially offending so I will get off my soap box and have a seat.
ha ha yeah well its not that unheard of down here I-85 is a great for such speeds and so is I-20 but yeah we do it on our local roads long straight no outlet roads with nothin but the bugs and your nerves to worry about and yes we have been called insane but hey we dont get pulled over right.... you learn who you really are very quickly at that speed too.... if you dont know what im talking about do it and youll see....
Now I may be wrong, I have been before and will be again.

As I understand it, our bike with 98 hp, and its drag coef, is air drag limited at 155 mph, and that is hard for it to reach. I believe 140-145 is more likely with a rider out of a perfect tuck, and real world conditions.
Again I may be wrong, and if so would someone please point me in the right direction.
with nothin but the bugs and your nerves to worry about

I'm guessing the roads are perfect, and there are no animals that live in your area. I'm not trying to be a dick, but don't think that 170 is acceptiable anywhere other than a track. Have fun and be safe!
ant no its definately not acceptable but thats the problem they have it they want to use it and yes ther are a few of my friends who have broken 200 (INSANE!) and the 145 thing? no not quite it gets there in fifth maybe even the end of fourth because i know first is 56-57 second is about 90-is and 3rd is at 120 and i know fourth is real close to that so you have two more gears to go and granted fith and six are really close but when you have enough room it does top out and perfect roads i mean most are newish cause this used to be a small town then it grew really fast so all the roads have been recent or in the past decade been repaved so honestly im not trying to be a bull crapper and i have noithing to prove here but what our bikes can do i mean if i was stupid enough id take a pic of breakin 160 for you but that really is suicide if you wanna call me a liar i dont care im fine with that cause i know i can be proved right is all....
The spedo is crazy wrong at that speed! I have GPS installed on my bike and when you get around 100 and over it is more tha 10 MPH off! I'm not calling you a liar, but calling you crazy for cruising at that speed! Sure I have been over 130 several time, but never cruise at that speed! I feel it's just asking for a life ending crash. Please be safe!
it very well could be my speedo way off and we tryed to take thast thinot affect when we looked at it but my friend was riding ahead of me and his said the same thing granted both could be off and im fine with that 155 and 160 isnt that much of a difference so sry that i made such a disruption i just just simply wrote what i saw on the speedo
I'm not saying that your spedo is off, but everyone I have seen is. True you were traveling at least 145, but that is something that I think should be kept to yourself. There are alot of new rider here that take what we say to heart. If we tell them that 145 is safe then they will do it, and WE will be reading their obits the next week. I'm not downing you for riding the FZ6 to it's limits, but don't glorify it! Cruising at 170 is insane no matter how you look at it! I just thought I would say it like I see it. If i'm wrong then so be it!
no its completely understandable and i never said i went 170+ just to clear that up i said they did and THEY are expeianced riders that race on a track as well so yeah as ant said anyone reading what we just wrote does need to understand even those guys its makes them a lil scared so i do agree know your limits and only go as fast as your willing to crash is what my dad tells me (p.s. i dont want to crash at any speed) but honeslty sry didnt know it was gonna make that much of a heated discussion