40 mph crosswinds = no fun


Gear Whore
Jun 14, 2007
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MA - North Shore
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So different commute today b/c I'm hosting a conference downtown Boston vs. living and working north of the city normally. Ride in this morning was fun - no issues but the ride home was a little tense for me as a front is blowing in rapidly. This meant 40+ mph gusty crosswinds when I rode across the Tobin (tall-ish bridge) on the way home. It was really blowing me all over the place, there was construction so I was in a narrow lane of jersey barrier and guardrail and traffic was doing erratic speeds. All and all one of the least pleasant 5-10 minutes I've spent on the bike since I first learned to ride three summers ago. Prolly no big deal for some but it would take me some getting used to if I was going to do that on a regular basis.
Yeah, I had that problem this past weekend. It was awful riding on Saturday with the huge gusts around here. Happy to hear you made it back ok!
Yeah, that sucks. I almost got blown into the guardrail of the Golden Gate Bridge last week. Wasn't really THAT close, but it pushed me about 2 feet form the center of the lane towards it. I had to serve to get centered again. Scary.
Las Vegas is a very windy city, with substantial gusts. I took a ride this past weekend from Vegas to LA and the gusts were in the 40's I believe, almost end to end. It's especially challenging over a long distance because the winds didn't let up until I got within the city limits of LA. It makes for a tiring trip, that's for sure!
Las Vegas is a very windy city, with substantial gusts. I took a ride this past weekend from Vegas to LA and the gusts were in the 40's I believe, almost end to end. It's especially challenging over a long distance because the winds didn't let up until I got within the city limits of LA. It makes for a tiring trip, that's for sure!

I took I-15 last weekend too.....windy as usual.
And I had some heavy loading at the rear-bag, which made my bike sailing and dancing on the highway.... ha ha ha...
I had to release some air from my tires to get over the side-cross-wind...
One of the photos from last weekend riding, you will see bad gear loading methods... ha ha ha

AND my tire pressure was aired by bad pressure-guage >>> i even didn't noticed until i and my fz6 danced on the windy highway >>> fixed after back home.
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We definitely get a lot of pretty terrible gusty winds where I'm at, once you get out of the valley it tends to ease up a lot thankfully.

Riding in the wind is by far one of the scariest things I've done on my bike...especially when passing big vehicles that are just huge wind catchers.