3400 miles, 5 states, & 1 province


The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Thought we'd share a few pictures from our vacation.

Day 1: We headed out on June 18th, going over Independence Pass (12,095 ft), visiting Aspen, CO, and making a slight detour to the Maroon Bells outside Aspen before our first stop in Rifle, CO.

Day 2: Left CO and went through the NE corner of Utah and the Flaming Gorge Recreational area before heading into Wyoming. Not much in that part of Wyoming. We stayed in the bustling metropolis of Kemmerer, WY.
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Day 3: Crossed the border into Idaho and around Bear Lake, Idaho and started north. Great scenery and riding along the lake and up towards Palisades Reservoir. Continued on through Idaho Falls and to our next stop in Arco, Idaho. If you go there, try not to make it on a Sunday as there is only 1 restaurant open (Pickle's Place, home of the Atomic Hamburger, so named because the first nuclear power plant in the country is a nearby tourist attraction now).

Day 4: Craters of the Moon National Monument is just outside Arco. Lava fields in the middle of Idaho, who knew. John thought it was cool, I was not impressed. Onwards through Ketchum, ID, through the Sawtooth Mountains and up the Salmon River (great canyon ride which included a stop to watch the kayaker's) and on to Missoula for our next stop.

Day 5: Left Missoula and rode north to Flathead Lake and then the west entrance of Glacier National Park. June 22nd and Going to the Sun Road is still not open with 3 miles at the top closed due to snow drifts (planned opening was June 18th, so if you want to ride it, you might want to wait till July just to be safe). We rode as far as we could on a mostly cloudy day, but at least we did not get wet like the weather guessers predicted. Almost to the top of GTTSR we backtracked and rode all the way around the park to St. Mary Resort on the east side of the park (the scenery made it worth the extra miles).
Day 6: A short ride day! Up to "Many Glaciers" in the park for a horseback ride. Not recommended if you have to get back on a motorcycle! Then we went to Glacier's sister park, Waterton, in Alberta Canada. Stopped by the Prince of Wales Hotel and rode up to Cameron Lake. Finally got to see a grlzzly/brown bear with her 2 cubs. Almost didn't get back in the country because I did not sign my passport.

Day 7: Just a scenic ride south to Bozeman, MT.
AMAZING pics Brenda , im so jealous now.. Thankyou very much for sharing :thumbup: I still wish we had bears like that :D

Photo's like that make me want to get out on our Tassie road trip even more now :D
Day 8: John's Holy Grail of motorcycling day. Beartooth Pass, MT and Chief Joseph highway in WY. Froze at the top of Beartooth due to an accident. Guess the Harley guy can't get the souvenir "I survived Beartooth" T-shirt since he dumped his bike. Didn't look too serious thankfully, but he did enjoy a warm ambulance ride to the bottom. Unfortunately we did not make it to Cody early enough to go to the Wild Bill Cody Museum, maybe next time, I hear it is a must see.

Day 9: Left Cody heading for Yellowstone. First day we've seen rain. We had a close encounter with a Grizzly, but the camera was in the tankbag because of the rain. The ranger waved us by since we could not maintain the minimum 100 yds distance since the bear was only about 70 ft off the side of the road as we went by. Oh well! At least the skies cleared and we continued on to Old Faithful and the Tetons.
A few more Teton shots and then onto,

Day 10: We spent the night in Pinedale, WY before starting back to CO. John almost gets a performance award from the Sheriff, but ends up with honorable mention and a warning to slow down (you can see the flashing lights in the helmet pic). Krikey, its WY! Straight and flat, I can practically see the Welcome to Colorado sign 200 miles away. Not much to take pictures of, a few antelope, hawks and tiny critters scurrying across the road. We spend the night in Steamboat Springs, CO, almost home now.

Day 11: Heading home over Rabbit Ears and Bethoud Pass. Hmmm, after 3400 miles these are still some of our favorite roads. We make our usual stop at Echo Lake to enjoy the view and take pics before heading down the mountain and into Denver then home.
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Beautiful pictures Brenda! I'm ready for a little adventure maybe next month.
Momma bear with cubs are cute but scary....
yeah gorgeous pics.you ve got some jaw dropping beautiful scenery there in us/canada. glad you could enjoy it. must start saving harder for a decent trip to canada. oh well :rolleyes:l
That's a lot of miles! Awesome pics thanks :)

We saw a wild brown bear in a meadow in Yosemete as well :) no pics though as there were too many tourists stopping everywhere on the road so we just kept going...
Brenda, those are fantastic pictures! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your camera's eye! :D Looks like an epic trip! :thumbup: