3 years, later - I have entered the HOS!


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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The story goes like this; woke Sat morning to painters throwing plastic on cars in the parking lot. I was leaving and they didn't bother to cover the bike. There were no parking spaces left so I rolled the bike to the only area I could fit it; which happened to be under a tree by a side walk away from the paint action on a narrow strip of asphalt.
Left for the day to work on my sons truck and came home to find Crisis taking a nap on the asphalt. :(:(
The center stand sunk into a cavern and down she went. It was maybe 86F :spank::spank::spank:

Pride, pride, Pride
Brake lever lost its knob
Bar end abrasion
Very minor scuff to fairing corner and edge of mirror
RS pod has a dime width vertical scratch. Lucky there.. .. ..
Powder coat on end of brake lever thrashed and lever bent slightly.
Peg feeler snapped out of the soft aluminum peg, minor abrasion to powder coated rear set
TANK IS OK!!!!! :cheer:

Not the way to end the season and my own fault for placing her there. Sadness.. .. ..
On the bright side - She's still fit to run around the stable and its only cosmetic. I was afraid to pick her up and see the tank all smushed! Glad that's OK!!!! it coulda been MUCH worse!

1st tip/down in 3 years 17,000 miles.
So - I can relate to seeing your bike down. IT SUCKS!!!!

sorry your bike went down, but something you should know...

1. side stand is a LOT more stable than center stand
2. an extended frame slider would have saved your whole bike
Ah Randy that sucks!!
I wonder if a kickstand puck could have saved her? I have a couple I keep in my "motorcycle purse" (tank bag) just in case!
I don't think anything short of a 10 inch slider would fully protect the bar ends during a tip. Sorry to hear about the tip Randy. Did the lever nub snap off because you have aftermarket levers?

Yes, designed to to snap there so you can ride home. It did what its intended to do. I don't think sliders would have done jack for peg and knub at the brake lever end. As best I can tell the brake lever knub and peg are gonna contact no matter what as would the bar end. Overall I've seen way worse for a simple tip. So I suppose I should be happy. I recall it being awkward to grab but lifted it easily (although I'm not sure what I even grabbed!) lol Rolled her back to spot and left again just in time for 4 days of rain.
Sorry to hear your baby got scratched Randy. That'll all buff right out! :rolleyes:
Duuuuuuuude, that sucks! Good to hear it wasn't any worse. Knowing you, you already have the gears turning for repair:thumbup:
there's only one word I can think of that fits this situation

Ah Randy that sucks!!
I wonder if a kickstand puck could have saved her? I have a couple I keep in my "motorcycle purse" (tank bag) just in case!

Sorry to hear about the fall. Glad it was relatively minor. Live and learn.

FWIW, i use a round electrical plate cover you get from a hardware store, galvanized, and costs about a buck :thumbup:
Hindsight = 20:20.

I would have left ON the bike if painters were working around it and I had to leave.

Sorry to hear about this. I've seen my kickstand sink into asphalt before as well. Now I always carry a round disc I made from 1/8" aluminum that I put under the stand on dirt, gravel or asphalt.
So sorry to hear that Crisis laid herself down. As you know, I've dropped Betty a few times. I like the saying "If it's not scratched, you ain't ridin' it enough."

I'm sure she's already forgiven you. ;)
The story goes like this; woke Sat morning to painters throwing plastic on cars in the parking lot. I was leaving and they didn't bother to cover the bike. There were no parking spaces left so I rolled the bike to the only area I could fit it; which happened to be under a tree by a side walk away from the paint action on a narrow strip of asphalt.
Left for the day to work on my sons truck and came home to find Crisis taking a nap on the asphalt. :(:(
The center stand sunk into a cavern and down she went. It was maybe 86F :spank::spank::spank:

Pride, pride, Pride
Brake lever lost its knob
Bar end abrasion
Very minor scuff to fairing corner and edge of mirror
RS pod has a dime width vertical scratch. Lucky there.. .. ..
Powder coat on end of brake lever thrashed and lever bent slightly.
Peg feeler snapped out of the soft aluminum peg, minor abrasion to powder coated rear set
TANK IS OK!!!!! :cheer:

Not the way to end the season and my own fault for placing her there. Sadness.. .. ..
On the bright side - She's still fit to run around the stable and its only cosmetic. I was afraid to pick her up and see the tank all smushed! Glad that's OK!!!! it coulda been MUCH worse!

1st tip/down in 3 years 17,000 miles.
So - I can relate to seeing your bike down. IT SUCKS!!!!

Welcome to the Hall of shame mate, sorry about the bike at least you have winter to fix it.
