
Has anyone seen this movie yet???? It looks awesome! I'm a big fan of "based on a true story."
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I've read the book. The sequel, "Busting Vegas" was even better. I guess I'll have to wait for it to come out on HBO or Showtime.
I saw it and liked it a lot. Kevin Spacey plays a decent role however, the storyline is more centralized over the kid math genius who needs money for school. The whole background into counting cards and their methodology was very cool.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
Relatively good recruiting tool for blackjack players and card counting - similar to what the movie "Rounders" did for poker. Movie perpetuates the impression that the casinos are giving out "free money" to anyone who can count. I suspect the casinos are chomping at the bit to get their fangs into the "new blood" that this movie is sure to bring in. Still, as movies go it's worth the money to see. Just don't expect to come out of it knowing how to "Bring Down the House" :Flash: