2013 California exhaust law

The people who sit at lights and rev their loud pipes remind me of when i was a kid....We used to jam pop bottles in between the rear wheel of our bikes and the frame, so when you road it made a "cool" noise...We did it basically to get attention. That's what i think of HD riders and others who sit at lights and rev....They have a Childish need for attention because obviously aren't getting enough :spank:
Now where are my leather chaps! :eek:

Here...On David Lee Roth
California is a nice place to be from, and a nice place to visit. Unfortunately California is my favorite state and it has been screwed by politicians who pass legislation such as this for decades. When they need to be cutting social programs and balancing the budget. You all should leave for a few years and remove the tax base. Smog checks on a freaking motorcycle WTF people.

Is California requiring Smog checks on bikes now? That's new.

That hasn't happened yet and most late manufactured motorcycles meet smog requirements. I think the target is modified exhausts that remove catalytic converters. But the problem with the state enacting laws to stop that practice might be circumvented by a few hours work every 2 years to swap back to the OEM exhaust. That's probably the stop in enacting the law as well as the argument from people on the sales interest side of the market. In an economy that's already hurting there have been pleas that this would really hurt sales on bikes and aftermarket industries.
Personally some of the representation from the AMA I've seen quoted sounds to me like someone taking people's money, representing us, and saying something lamebrain stupid to legislators like, "This will stop our right to freely express ourselves"

I don't mind a catalytic converter on my bike. I like my aftermarket, lighter, throatier sounding, better looking exhaust. No, I don't know if loud pipes save lives because no one has done a study on that. Maybe a loud speaker that plays, "Lady with a baby, hot coffee coming through!" ??
Yes there are horsepower gains and bikes are faster with aftermarket exhausts. That has been scientifically proven repeatedly on dynos and with data loggers on the tracks.
Whether it's worth it to someone based on performance, sound, looks or their personal identity is a personal decision.

I like the fact that there are companies working toward meeting the requirements that will keep people in jobs and riders with an alternate exhaust choice by meeting the requirements set forth by the EPA. I think it's good news across the board.
California is usually leading the way for these regulations, so I wouldn't be surprised to see other states following suit. Frankly, I'm kind of glad to see this stuff. Those Harley straight pipes are really annoying. I like the deeper tone of aftermarket exhausts, but couldn't care less if they were any louder than stock.

Two years ago we went out to Yellowstone and the Harleys were miserable. You're trying to enjoy the scenery, the animals and everything else and up comes the idiot with straight pipes. Whoever said that, "American Thunder" should be relabeled, "American Noise" hit the nail on the head.

Further, when on the road in the car, the only HD I hear is the one I'm behind (directly behind that is). Someone needs to explain to these guys that the car that's going to kill them is in FRONT of them and can't hear a thing.
Sounds like aftermarket pipes will have to undergo some additional testing and certifications which only means that we will have to dish out more money for them.
California is usually leading the way for these regulations, so I wouldn't be surprised to see other states following suit. Frankly, I'm kind of glad to see this stuff. Those Harley straight pipes are really annoying. I like the deeper tone of aftermarket exhausts, but couldn't care less if they were any louder than stock.

This, exactly. Word for word.
Sounds like aftermarket pipes will have to undergo some additional testing and certifications which only means that we will have to dish out more money for them.

I think the exhaust will just be designed to meet EPA requirements for sound and emissions. For instance, most slip on cans don't change emissions because there are few replacements that require the removal of the CAT. Some cans (rare) have an integral CAT. (SV1000 and maybe SV650) So if I look at the exhaust on the FZ6 and certify my exhaust doesn't change emissions I'll have to come up with the extra cost of a badge. I already have a db killer that put me below 80 db on my aftermarket exhaust. I don't think it will be that much more if it more because of the new law.
I think the exhaust will just be designed to meet EPA requirements for sound and emissions. For instance, most slip on cans don't change emissions because there are few replacements that require the removal of the CAT. Some cans (rare) have an integral CAT. (SV1000 and maybe SV650) So if I look at the exhaust on the FZ6 and certify my exhaust doesn't change emissions I'll have to come up with the extra cost of a badge. I already have a db killer that put me below 80 db on my aftermarket exhaust. I don't think it will be that much more if it more because of the new law.

Its its not Government regulated then then it wont be much more expensive if it is, I predict it going up a noticible amount.
IMO the EPA is one of the programs the government needs to severely downsize or get rid of all together...theres improving the environmental impact we have, and then theres going too far (EPA)...They'll never be satisfied and will continue to be payed by our tax dollars to be said unsatisfied :(

Maybe i'll move to Canada or Australia :D

Then again... Canada....moose.....Australia....Kangaroos.... hmmm
First it was how fast you can ride, now its how loud your ride can be. Next it's probably gonna be how bright and flashy your paint job looks. just sayin.

Pretty soon your going to need a licence to take a dump in this country.
First it was how fast you can ride, now its how loud your ride can be. Next it's probably gonna be how bright and flashy your paint job looks. just sayin.

Pretty soon your going to need a licence to take a dump in this country.

Ahem, while it's not specifically a "license", I think that's already in place - here in MA, it's called a "Title 5 Inspection". Seriously, I'm not "s.....g" you (pun intended :D)...I think most states have similar codes/laws in place.
IMO the EPA is one of the programs the government needs to severely downsize or get rid of all together...theres improving the environmental impact we have, and then theres going too far (EPA)...They'll never be satisfied and will continue to be payed by our tax dollars to be said unsatisfied :(

Maybe i'll move to Canada or Australia :D

Then again... Canada....moose.....Australia....Kangaroos.... hmmm

Where is the EPA going too far? And how would moving to another industrialized nation avoid regulations? Compared to other developed nations, the US has relatively minimal government regulation.

First it was how fast you can ride, now its how loud your ride can be.

I don't think there's any new regulations... just that CA has decided they want to enforce existing emissions limits. Weren't these noise emissions standards set in the 80's?
Where is the EPA going too far? And how would moving to another industrialized nation avoid regulations? Compared to other developed nations, the US has relatively minimal government regulation.

I don't think there's any new regulations... just that CA has decided they want to enforce existing emissions limits. Weren't these noise emissions standards set in the 80's?

Yes, EPA regulations have already existed for a long time but have been rarely enforced. That's not state regulation, that's federal.

I think the first EPA rule was like 86 or 83 db and then a few years later it changed to 80 db. I bet you could probably find a rule in the law books for any state that could make you change back to OEM exhaust. It's a case of enforcement. I think the system is liberal in that sense.

Today I took my beautiful wife out for lunch. We have a favorite little spot we sometimes visit in Old Town here in San Diego. It's a touristy little town with a little street fair on Saturdays and we really like eating at The Creole Cafe. We sat outside and sure enough about 5 guys on Harleys, no baffles, sat and rev'd and rev'd at an intersection. When they left the intersection it was full bore as if they've never seen the South Park Episode. We couldn't believe they thought the noise would bring approval and of course that's not why they do that. I think my V-Twin with Two Bros. is loud and I ease around in traffic and in town. These HD's with straight pipes are just rude and they behave rudely.
You have little kids with parents and grandparents right next to these bikes and anyone who has to behave like that needs to grow a little. The bigger the audience the louder the behavior.

It's not even the pipes, it's the behavior.
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For me it's entirely about the noise. My ears are very sensitive - I don't even start my FZ6 unless I have earplugs in (and I'm on stock exhaust).

I don't go to bars, and I rarely go to concerts - I just can't handle the volume.

So hearing loud noises (like from these pipes) kills me.
Where is the EPA going too far? And how would moving to another industrialized nation avoid regulations? Compared to other developed nations, the US has relatively minimal government regulation.

I don't think there's any new regulations... just that CA has decided they want to enforce existing emissions limits. Weren't these noise emissions standards set in the 80's?

Well, BS like this:

"...Shell Oil Company has announced it must scrap efforts to drill for oil this summer in the Arctic Ocean off the northern coast of Alaska. The decision comes following a ruling by the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to withhold critical air permits. The move has angered some in Congress and triggered a flurry of legislation aimed at stripping the EPA of its oil drilling oversight.

Shell has spent five years and nearly $4 billion dollars on plans to explore for oil in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The leases alone cost $2.2 billion. Shell Vice President Pete Slaiby says obtaining similar air permits for a drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico would take about 45 days. He’s especially frustrated over the appeal board’s suggestion that the Arctic drill would somehow be hazardous for the people who live in the area. “We think the issues were really not major,” Slaiby said, “and clearly not impactful for the communities we work in.”

The closest village to where Shell proposed to drill is Kaktovik, Alaska. It is one of the most remote places in the United States. According to the latest census, the population is 245 and nearly all of the residents are Alaska natives. The village, which is 1 square mile, sits right along the shores of the Beaufort Sea, 70 miles away from the proposed off-shore drill site.

The EPA’s appeals board ruled that Shell had not taken into consideration emissions from an ice-breaking vessel when calculating overall greenhouse gas emissions from the project..."

Just saying, in a country full of debt and overspending... some stuff needs to be downsized :rolleyes: