2009 Model Release Date???


Junior Member
May 6, 2008
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Rhode Island
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Hey guys,
Just wondering what month the new '09 versions are typically released. I am planning on getting a black '08 in the near future, but if the '09's are going to be released soon then I will just hold off for a bit and try and find a "leftover" one for a bit of a discount. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

- Jay
Anywhere between july and january. It all depends if they do anymore updates to it or not. I saw the new r6 last year at a dealer around november, but they had a lot of changes that took place. The 08 r1 was in the stores in august or september with little to nothing done to it.

I guess im trying to say i dont know for sure and i wanted to get more casino money..................:D:D:D
The '08 FZ6's didn't show up around here until late Dec, early Jan, 2008.

that's not true, I picked mine up on oct 31st 2007. yamaha's website will usually give a generic release date (october 07) and you will have to search around to find one.

edit: i re-read and saw you said around "here" so you could be right.
I stopped by my Yamaha dealer yesterday afternoon and queried when the 2009 models will be available. The dealer will be attending the 2009 model preview the second week in September. So until then....:(

Should be very soon. I was checking the yamaha website last night and they had their 2009 pages up for the FZ1 but with no pictures and several broken links. I checked it again right now hoping to see an update to find that they have taken it back down and now the 2008 page shows up.