2008 Mileage Contest!

Re: Milage Contest!

here's mine from the morning:

Re: Milage Contest!

Here's mine: 1417 kms so far!!

I usually only ride on weekends or evenings! :thumbup:
Re: Milage Contest!

Awsome guys!
I will post mine up tomorrow when I get in from work. From there I will make a list of everyone who joins in on this an convert your kilometers to Miles and will post it up. What do yall say to posting an update each month maybe? 15th of each month post a pic up and I will up date the score board?

Admin can we get a sticky on this as well?

Oh and you guys need to let me know what class you fall in. Commuter or Weekend Warrior
Re: Milage Contest!

what year SV keira

it's an '05. Most of those miles are from when I bought it. Grad school's been keeping me off the road a lot....

I also think I count as a weekend warrior, as I don't commute on 2 wheels.
Re: Milage Contest!

it's an '05. Most of those miles are from when I bought it. Grad school's been keeping me off the road a lot....

I also think I count as a weekend warrior, as I don't commute on 2 wheels.

Not that it would really matter if you did commute on your bike.... you have a 1 mile each way commute....for now...
Re: Milage Contest!

Not that it would really matter if you did commute on your bike.... you have a 1 mile each way commute....for now...

Now there's a dead battery waiting for a place to leave you hung out to dry. Had a friend with a Sporty that could only make it about a month before it was no go on the battery and he went about 2 miles either way to the Harley dealer where he worked. He would keep it on a tender at night.
Re: Milage Contest!

Bryan, I'm in the commuter group. I'm OK with an monthly update if everyone else is. Thanks!!
Re: Milage Contest!

So to clear up what the groups are for. You either fall in one or the other.

If you ride your bike on the weekends only with the occasional trip to work every now and then... you are in the Weekend Warrior Class

If you commute with your bike every day or on a regular basis, you are in the commuter class, even if you still ride on the weekends.

Just trying to keep it fair to the guys who put the same number of miles in one day/weekend that some of you commuter guys get in a week.

Re: Milage Contest!


Theres mine. I should have started it sooner than way my 435 mile trip on tuesday would have counted, lol.

Re: Milage Contest!


Miles: 12535. Here is mine on 5-15-08 for the recreational rider. Also put on 150 miles on the 14th b/c the weather was so nice. Would be putting on more miles this weekend, but I got tagged by cage who didn't stop at a stop sign around 6:30pm on the 15th. Bike is still drivable, but currently at the shop for an estimate.

I have a skinned knee, and a slightly sprained ankle, so I am very lucky.

Edit for spelling.