2007 FZ6 On the way!


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Mar 21, 2016
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I know I mentioned this here previously, but I recently got a good deal on a garage-kept '07 FZ with only 2500 miles on it. I had it shipped here from across the country and after like a month of trying to sort everything out, it's finally going to get here sometime this weekend! I'm pretty excited and just had to share. I'm pretty fired up to take it out for a spin this weekend, hopefully the floodgates don't stay open like they have most of the last two weeks...
Another congrats!

I think I almost understand your anticipation. It was killing me to wait a couple of days till I could pick mine up.Then again that was pretty minor, in comparison.

Best of luck with your new-to-you bike. Post some pics when you get a chance.


That is not something i see often in Canada but seems fairely common in the US to buy a used vehicule online and having it shipped. Perhaps this is because i am not used to that, but i think i would be scared to buy a used motorcycle online.

Do you have some kind of protection in case the bike is not in the shape you thought it would?
Not really, but I do have some semblance of a personal connection with the seller, albeit several degrees removed. One of those friend-of-a-friend kind of things. They're trustworthy people. Although that's probably what everyone on the Internet has said before getting scammed lol.
Arrived this morning, ahead of schedule. Only got to take it on a quick errand before I had a long list of obligations to attend to.
It's fantastic. I don't know why I ever wanted to stay on my Ninja 500 for good lol. Pictures tomorrow hopefully.
Not sure if these will come out well on the forum or not. Here it goes...




Edit: Is there a way to make them not be like, small thumbnails?
Two ways:

1 open the pic, then click on it again and it''ll enlarge OR

2 Upload to Photobucket, then copy and paste the IMAGE (second from the bottom on PB). as such:

Sharp bike BTW!!!!

Congrats! I recently picked up a new-to-me 2008 FZ6 as well and really like it. Between all the rain we've been getting in the Houston, TX area and the general hustle and bustle of work and life at the moment, I haven't had hardly anytime to ride the poor thing.
Your username is quite fitting given Houston's current state. lol.

Congrats though. Hope things clear out there soon, stay dry!