1st "High-End" Helmet


Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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Well, I finally broke down and bought my first "high-end" helmet. You know, Shoei, Arai, Shark, Suomy, etc? In no way am I dogging lower-priced helmets since I own 2 HJC CL-15's and a Scorpion EXO-400 and love all three. But, I read somewhere that my favorite all-time Shoei replica helmet had been discontinued and I figured if I didn't get it now, I'd never get the chance to. It didn't hurt that it was on closeout AND I found a $20 off coupon online.

So without further ado...I give you...

The Shoei X-11 Lawson Replica:




Holy moly, I didn't know what I was missing!!! This thing is INCREDIBLE, right out of the box. I usually wear an XXL in all other helmets, but went with the XL in the X-11 after a test-fitting and it couldn't fit better! I've got a feeling there won't be ANY break-in period.

The thing that struck me right off the bat was how freaking light it is. I mean, I didn't think my Scorpion was bad at all, but compared to this thing it feels like a bowling ball! The paint and graphics are flawless, everything is in proper working order, as it should be, and I couldn't be happier.

BTW, I apparently got the last one Motorcycle Superstore had on closeout. MSRP was $692.00. It was marked down to $399 and I found a coupon on their site for $20 off any order over $200. So, all told, it was $379.99 and free upgraded 1-3 day shipping. I ordered it on Friday 2/13 and it arrived, halfway across the country, today 2/18. I can't beat that with a stick!

So, I just wanted to gush about my new lid. It's a LOT prettier than I am and a LOT lighter! LOL! I guess the only bad thing now is that I won't ever want to go back to a cheaper helmet! Oh well...

Carry on! :rockon:
Nice one mate :thumbup: Wish we could get Shoei over here that cheap !
Does that make four helmets ,geeze how many heads you got ,lol
Yeah, Oz, that's 4...lol. Among my riding friends I'm the one they refer to as the "gear whore". :D

I got lucky, I admit that, on finding it for such a good price. It wasn't easy to press that button and make the purchase, but I knew I was doing the right thing and would regret it if I didn't. I like a lot of the Shoei graphics, but this one has always caught my eye, so I just had to do it. Now if it would just get warm on this side of the Equator, I could get out and RIDE in it!!!

sfcali, I know what you mean. This is the first helmet I've ever put on and just thought, man, that's how a helmet is supposed to fit. It's like it was custom made for my melon. And the interior is so soft and comfortable! Plus, I really like that you can remove EVERYTHING inside the helmet (liner, cheekpads, chinstrap covers) and wash them. That's the one thing that pushed me away from the Shoei RF-1000, was that the liner wasn't removable.

I'll have to remember to post up a ride-review once I'm able to get out and about with it. Thanks for the nice comments guys!
Good helmets are way worth it. Its like the difference between having Drew Barrymore or Rosanne Barr wrapped around your head all day. LOL

Hope you enjoy the heck out of it.
congrats on the purchase!

i have yet to regret my decision to splurge on my arai. i also lived in hjc's before that, and i will never go back...
Good helmets are way worth it. Its like the difference between having Drew Barrymore or Rosanne Barr wrapped around your head all day. LOL

Hope you enjoy the heck out of it.

EWWWWWWW,- mind you, I think i color images!!! ,- that image of Rosanne will be stuck in my head for days now!!
Great lid, what a bargain too, that is an amazing price for Shoei's best. I went from a KBC to an RF-1000 and was kicking myself for not getting a good helmet sooner. Cool graphics too. :thumbup:

Me...I'd rather have Kate Beckinsale wrapped around my head...holy hottie vampires Batman!

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Cool helmet.

Yep, you get what you pay for. I have 3 Shoei's (1 is for dirt bike) and a Schubreth.
Buying the closeout helmets is the only way to go, save$$
Thanks everyone! Yeah, I think it was quite a steal, but I'll take it!

As far as having something wrapped around my head...I think I'm with Hellgate. Kate Beckinsale FTMFW!!!
GR8 helmet. I truly think that is the last thing to budget on (not like you with a great deal). Your head must be protected as best as possible, and if it is cool while doing that, WHY NOT. That is the 'face' everybody see wile riding. Njoy!
100% with you there, I use the X-11 Shoei as you, the budget model TZ-R is also a great helmet if your budget is tighter, same great fit and has DOT and Snell certed.

I used a TZ-R for a while until I lowsided on the track then I bought a X-11 which is brilliant, love it and I don't care if it cost a lot. It fits excellent, and is comfy to ride all day long with. When I lowsided I got a real smack to the rear right of my head, no worries I felt nothing which is exactly what a helmet should do, I don't care if helmets are expensive when you need them you won't ever regret high end helmet purchases as your head is all intact and working good.

A friend of mine bought a budget DOT helmet which was made out of ABS plastic, he had whiplash from a small lowside as the helmet bounced like a ball when he hit the tarmac. He was out of biking for months, I in the other hand just pulled up the bike and rode on which I believe is worth the cost any day.