$100 Stop light--divine intervention?


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Sacramento CA USA
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The Stop light thread got me thinking of an incident that happened to me very early in my riding life.
I was at a stoplight on my way home from work at about 11:00 PM. I was in neutral (I know I know, I did say I was a new rider at the time.) I'm looking around and I see what appears to be a $100 bill laying on the side of the road. I look at it for a moment. The car behind me then honks. I look up to find that the light is now green. As I pull in the clutch and start to shift into gear an old Buick blasts through the red doing at least 60MPH. It did not have it's lights on and came over an overpass just before the light. No way to see the car until it was very close to the intersection. I look back to where I had seen the bill and it was gone. No trace of it what so ever. I even pulled to the side and looked for it. Nothing.
Had I been paying attention to the light I would have been, or perhaps the car behind me that honked, would have been directly in the path of that Buick.
very interesting story, could be simple coincidence but its fun to interpret these things as an intervention..who knows maybe it was..shame on you for not picking up that 100 dollar bill when you saw it first! :D
Great story! :eek: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Sure beats Dear Abby's "Pennies from Heaven" crap... :BLAA:
I was hiding in the woods beside the road with the old bill-on-a-string trick.

You're welcome.