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  1. rickvan67

    FZ6 on it's side surrounded by Harleys...DOH!

    A buddy of mine and I recently took a 700+ mile weekend trip up to northern Minnesota through Duluth and up to Grand Marais. On Saturday we rode a charity ride with about 75 other bikes, mostly Harleys. We pull in to this little bar with a loose gravel parking lot. I come riding in, all...
  2. rickvan67

    One of these things ain't like the others...

    I went on a nice organized ride this last weekend in Duluth, Minnesota. Weather was beautiful. On this particular ride I was, how do you say, a minority. Metric cruisers and Harleys galore. A couple of Goldwings were the closest thing to my bike in the group. My buddy rides a Yamaha V Star.
  3. rickvan67

    Tar Snake Crash?

    I was riding a nice twisty road home from work yesterday, it was sunny, 85 degrees and the road was nice and hot. The road I was on had lots of tar snakes, see the pics below. I noticed during cornering that these buggers seem to be pretty slick in hot weather and I even felt the bike drift a...
  4. rickvan67

    Packers Defensive Coordinator Snoozing in the Press Box

    The Packers defense was asleep against the Cardinals on Sunday, and so was their Defensive Coordinator... ENvmq-rkVZc&hl
  5. rickvan67

    Last Ride of the Season

    Beautiful day for a late November ride through the rolling farm land of western Wisconsin. A little brisk at 42 degrees. It's time to wrap up the FZ for the winter while I can still wash her in the driveway. Spring is right around the corner!
  6. rickvan67

    Do you know EXACTLY how far your FZ will go on the flashing fuel indicator?

    Unfortunately I found out today exactly how far my FZ will go once the fuel indicator starts flashing...53.3 miles! I knew it was low but figured I could make it to a gas station, made it about 1/4 mile from my house when it died. Luckily it was a short push home and mostly downhill. A little...
  7. rickvan67

    Hastings, MN - Sunday August 30

    Planning a 3 or 4 hour ride from Hastings, MN down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi to Nelson, WI then crossing back in to MN and north to Hastings. Departure time TBD (probably mid-morning). PM rickvan67 for details.
  8. rickvan67

    Scooter with a Big Gulp on the Interstate...

    So I'm commuting home from work today on Interstate I-494 near Newport, MN. Its the height of rush hour, bumper to bumper traffic going 65 to 70 mph. I look to my right and I had to do a double-take...I see this old pudgy guy on a scooter so small it didn't look legal on the freeway, he's...
  9. rickvan67


    Bought a brand new tank bag from him. Fair price, smooth transaction, fast shipping. Thanks! :D
  10. rickvan67

    Need Ideas for Hot Weather Gear

    I need advice on hot weather gear for my upper body. My Technic jacket works great most of the time but it's black textile and not exactly cool when it gets in to the upper 80's and 90's. Any thoughts out there for some type of hot weather protective gear to replace my jacket in the heat of...
  11. rickvan67

    Helmet kills my forehead!

    Went a little cheap on my first helmet and bought an Icon ($145). It looks cool but after about an hour on the road the thing is killing my forehead, I mean it feels like a horse kicked me in the head. Been researching helmets and think I'm probably a "long oval" head shape which is why the...
  12. rickvan67

    Must be the day for close calls...

    Rode the "Flood Run" in Western Wisconsin today. Beautiful day and more motorcycles then you could shake a stick at (mostly chrome monsters but that's pretty typical). Me and couple of buddies on their Harleys were heading home and we were about to part ways; they were turning left and I was...
  13. rickvan67

    First Ride of the Season

    March 15th, uncovered my baby, installed the new Puig racing windscreen and got out for the first time today. Beautiful, sunny, and 55 F. Lots of sand on the roads though. Also including a pic of my bike with the new windscreen, looks sweet.
  14. rickvan67

    Definitely Not Motorcycle Weather

    I took this picture of my dashboard thermometer on the drive in to work this morning...where's Al Gore when you need him?
  15. rickvan67

    Western Wisconsin or Eastern Minnesota???

    Wrong time of year to post this question (its friggin freezing out and snowing), but is there anyone else on the forum from western Wisconsin or eastern Minnesota? I'm fishing for someone to ride with in the spring...:Sport:
  16. rickvan67

    Sleet and freezing temps...packing up the FZ6

    I know it seems a little early for all you hard core types, but the sleet and rain in western WI pushed me to winterize and store my baby for the winter today. Depressing, especially since I've been spending every weekend since early September building a deck on my house and the bike probably...