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  • Thanks for the Rep mate. That's what mates are for. I'm actually learning quite a lot about my own bike from helping wasn't much help tonight, though...he's got no usable Would've had to get me to open his beers for him :BLAA:
    You picking fights with us Aussie's again??? LMAO! You ever coming out here for that Holiday?? hope your well, by the way!
    The two :iconbeer: at the end made me laugh, well deserving! :cheer:
    G'day Mate , hows things ?? Dunno if you have seen the thread yet but Dave has started another year of the Fantasy Racing so go it sorted :D
    I know what you mean... We've been in our new home for just over a year and it feels like 3 :) We really love our new place though... it's perfect for our new family. I do have the same problem with wine as you though lol. I would love to still have my last FZ streetfighter... I had done it the way I had always wanted it and it died too quickly... not sure I miss it per say, because the Buelll is a lot of fun, but I wouldn't mind having both :D
    Steve's been weird for a while now... especially with me and I am not really sure why... anyway, it's all said and done now and I am kinda glad it ended up like it did. We're happy to have a smart/wise admin. On a more enjoyable topic, I hope you and your family are now completely settled and happy in your new Home... Please give them my best regards :)
    I hope it does get closed and put away... some ppl will never cease to amaze me with their ignorance :)
    Thanks for the rep! I posted the screen shot by taking a print screen, then pasting it in a Paint document to save it as a .jpg. Hope that makes sense :)
    hi matey i come from carrickfergus and ride a 2004 fazer and like a ride out , last one was down the sligo road it's a must it's like a moto gp circuit althought we done it in one day(300) miles was a bit much effin wrecked but what a road . anyway all the best
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