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  • J
    A member had said that his 10 year old son was a big fan of Michael Jackson and he quoted him and said, that's kinda creepy. It wasn't a HUGE deal, but he just likes to cause arguements. I have a feeling he'll be banned one day.
    Yeah....politics or michael jackson. :rolleyes:
    You're welcome. Things are ok, filling out bankruptcy papers today (a bit frustrating). Danny may keep the R1, not sure yet cause they want us to pay the back fees to bring the loan current, to be able to work with us, but that's about $800.
    WTF? That's weird....oh well, I validated it.

    Maybe cause you're just a mod. :don'tknow:
    Have to admit even though I scared a few kids and adults, it was a sweet job for a 17 yr old (at the time) Steve (my son) just sold his FZ1 a few months ago....not under Mom & Dad's insurance anymore since he graduated for CSU.
    Did Disneyland freak her out as in scared or loved? One of my first jobs....Easter Bunny for a photographer...used to scare the crap out of some kids! A 5'2" rabbit! Good times and yes, 2 kids, grown and outta the house...pics on my family album. My son is probably your age!
    This whole airbox mod has reminded me that I need to squelch my enthusiasm and get the facts first. Thanks for reminding me of that.
    Hey Wavex,
    I was looking at your post from the ride...I'm Looking for a good jacket. Can you tell me what size the jacket is that you have on. You look to be about my build. I've heard that the A-stars line runs small...
    Suddenly, the west coast is all the more attractive! Enjoy the ride and stay safe! More PICS!!!!! :thumbup:
    thanks for the links to those vids of the conversion. it must have taken some time to do that, but a visual like that is really helpful. thanks.
    did you have to get a new gauge cluster with the headlight conversion on the 06' or did you use the stock? i really want to get it, but i don't have that kind of money sitting around right now. hopefully soon however.
    i noticed you had a phantom 4 headlight on one of your previous bikes. how easy was it to wire up? do you think it would look okay on my 06' fz6?
    ya...not sure. I hope nobody thinks that about my donation thread.
    I think you should find out too! I think you're gonna have another girl. :D

    :( bummer, was looking forward to a video, but I guess pics will do! ;) First track day on your "new" bike, huh?!

    Danny found his ring in one of his gloves at work! whew. :)
    Glad to hear you guys are going to the track! Have fun! ;)

    Congrats on the baby....you're gonna find out right??? That would be great if you had a boy! Any thoughts on names?

    We're doing ok....except for, Danny called me today, upset, saying he lost his wedding ring. :(

    You should video tape at the track and post it! ;)
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