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  • J
    Hey you!

    Was just thinkin about ya! Hope you, John and others are doing ok.

    Did I read right about another baby on the way???

    Take Care,
    Hi David,
    We are all very well thanks. We booked our one way ticket today for our new life in Ireland. Packing bits up and passing on things we can't take.

    A very exciting time indeed.
    How are you all doing? and how your le plus précieux cadeau (I hope I got that right?).

    LOL....nice rep comment! Vista sucks a$$
    haha you're welcome! I was LMAO when I read that.
    Awesome, Thanks man...

    How Hard was it to put that puppy on? Any special fab/parts needed to mount it?
    Hey Wave, Where did you get your Speedo you had on the bike you crashed?? (the one with blue indicators)
    Saw a pic of your Buell. I noticed a "canister" below the LS Air Scoop behind the oil cooler. What is it?
    =) little girls are fun
    Hope you & your wife had a good day , cause like you said, she doesn't have a clue!
    Got your friend's PCIII installed last month, zero map as of now. I will load Hellgate's custom map soon, Hopefully this will resolve some issues I noticed after the TB pipes and K&N air filter.
    that k5 is awesome! i found a way to put it in the "caddie" but i dont know where to check out from there... also, how much do you think the shipping will be?
    hey ive been looking everywhere for a front headlight assebly like you had on v2.0.... where the heck can i get one of those suckers?
    i`m struggling to find a cluster for a 2005 fz6. somebody said you might be the one to talk to about retrofitting an aftermarket set on or maybe you can tell me if any other models use the same cluster? my email is [email protected] (i`m on the border so i have a canadian and u.s. shipping address to use). thanks, cory
    this is the bike that has made me seriously think about going naked and i am a fairing maniac. . .
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