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  • Thanks for the Rep mate :thumbup: Its downright bloody criminal I say :D We all know Mick is God & his son Troy 'Jesus' Bayliss are always gunna be the best.... Thats why I celebrate xmas on the 30th of March :rof: Thats the real day Jesus was born..
    Cool! And it was an accidental photo - was actually trying to get the riding game but the bloody birds kept flying away :rof:

    I've tried for a long time ;)
    Scoby here. We met outsie Pitmans the other day. Great to see some FZ6 guys out there. I thought I was the only one. Nice bikes. What brand is the lowre cowl. Mine is a powerbronze.
    :D yeah it's been freaking busy man!!! trip to Europe for work, work, the 2 kids, family and friends from France dropping by every other week (them bastards get like a month of vacation in August over there!!), working on my track bike, etc etc... it's just been sick!!! Things should get better in Sept. hopefully :) Thanks for the msg bro! Ho've you been?
    Posted some ASBK pics in the gallery for your enjoyment too mate :thumbup: Look in the racing section..
    Hey mate, don't know whether the Yammy screen is for sale still since you are keeping the FZ, but the wife has made me pay off the trail bike with my tax return so I am no longer interested in it. Sorry for the hassle (if there was any). Cheers
    I knew who you meant! LOL... Just wanted to give you one and just gave Mikey one yesterday! Haha!
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