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  • But voting aint closed aint over till the fat lady could still win! :)
    Thanks for the friend request, I have to admit I think your bike is really sweet looking.
    Lol! I use the Gallery as a default storage device! Will be checking out your photo's.
    Thanks bro! It helps fill in the boring moments at work doesn't it :D It does look like a lot of ppl were waiting for a thread like that to express themselves lol I see ppl post in there that I never saw post anywhere else on the forum heheh...
    I asked because I thought I was using more, but it really shouldn't matter. The "range points" are the # of magnets you use, and it'll work from 1-60 magnets, obviously giving you more definition with each magnet you add (it's effectively a refresh rate, so the more magnets, the quicker refresh rate). 5 should be perfectly fine though...

    If you measured the external circumference of the rear tire (as in, wrap painter tape around the middle of the rubber all the way around the tire) correctly, I don't see what could be the problem... If I were you, I'd simply increase the circumference # until I get the right speed (using a GPS to give you a baseline to compare with).
    rear/front should make little difference... there are a few reasons to use the front wheel instead of the rear, but none are show stoppers... let me know...
    BTW, if its reading too low, you can teak the circumference # (increase the number) and you should be able to calibrate it that way...
    How did you measure the circumference? With an actual tape on the front wheel? You're using 5 magnets only? Speed should be the easiest to calibrate... it's basic math... using the circumference of the front tire, and the rate of the signal coming from the magnets to determine the speed... if your magnets are all separated by the same distance, and the circumference is accurate, speed should be spot on.
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