1st Anual Vancouver FZ6 Meet?

Should the Vancouver FZ6 meet and ride be open ONLY to FZ6 riders?

  • Yes, ONLY FZ6 bikes/riders allowed

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No, open it up to FZ6 and other bikes

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • Don't care either way

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
I know some of you would be coming from outside the lower mainland. OneTrack said he was interested in a mini meet. If thats ok with the others I'd like that too. It's been two years since I was last riding full time and a big group doesn't scare me but riding with others can be a chore sometimes especially if you haven't rode for awhile. I'm on the north shore (I saw that someone else is too) maybe we can have a few of us meet up.

I went to squamish the other day. It was nice and calm but COLD on the way back (7pm)

I was hoping that once we got dates set, we could contact some of the local Yamaha dealers to see anyone of them might want to "host" us at their location for a 'show & shine' and as a general meeting place for us to gather and kick off our ride. See if they would section off an area for us to park. We could be on display for a few hours, answer questions about our bikes and mods (because we all love to talk about our bikes!). Be a good Yamaha PR thing and something the dealer might want to invite potential customers down to who might be interested in purchasing an FZ6. They would get some free publicity out of it anyway. Maybe toss all of us a 15% store discount to intice all of us to spend some money in thier store.

Just an idea we can work on. Anyone budy budy with a Vancouver Yamaha dealership?
I borrowed your idea mate, and it has wotked out for us. We got some where dry to park. Some grub and drink thrown in. They have also sent a mailshot to recent FZ6 owners to come along.
Good luck with yours mate.

I borrowed your idea mate, and it has wotked out for us. We got some where dry to park. Some grub and drink thrown in. They have also sent a mailshot to recent FZ6 owners to come along.
Good luck with yours mate.


I guess the most obvious (first) choice would be a Yamaha dealership....only problem is, I can't say that our local ones are the most friendly of places, apart from the Langley dealership. "My" local dealer (Pacific Yamaha) doesn't have much parking (probably half a dozen parking stalls), nor does Checkpoint Yamaha in Vancouver.
Western PowerSports Yamaha in Langley seems to have plenty of parking, so perhaps that might be an option? They seem to be a friendly place, and would be a good starting point for a bit of a group ride afterwards, being on the frontier of Vancouver Civilization. :p
Just some random thoughts... :)

I almost forgot about this. Unfortunately I will have to bow out form both attending and organizing this event. Life seems to have thrown me a few cuve balls as of late, including being recently diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Apparantly I have the kidneys of a 75yr old, with about 34% kidney function currently remaining. I have had more Dr. appointments and blood tests done in the last month than in my entire life and they will be continuing all summer/fall long. Combine this with a 6month old, a new job and having to attend several weddings, including being a best man in one of them, my summer "free time" just got chewed up in a hurry.

So I've been having to do a lot of re-adjustments in my life and the relatively simple act of getting away for a weekend ride just isn't really going to fit my current schedule.

I appologise to all involved as it is not my style to bail on things, especially things I start.

I am hoping someone from the mainland can pick up where this left off.

I almost forgot about this. Unfortunately I will have to bow out form both attending and organizing this event. Life seems to have thrown me a few cuve balls as of late, including being recently diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Apparantly I have the kidneys of a 75yr old, with about 34% kidney function currently remaining. I have had more Dr. appointments and blood tests done in the last month than in my entire life and they will be continuing all summer/fall long. Combine this with a 6month old, a new job and having to attend several weddings, including being a best man in one of them, my summer "free time" just got chewed up in a hurry.

So I've been having to do a lot of re-adjustments in my life and the relatively simple act of getting away for a weekend ride just isn't really going to fit my current schedule.

I appologise to all involved as it is not my style to bail on things, especially things I start.

I am hoping someone from the mainland can pick up where this left off.

WOW Sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope its not really serious... but it soulds like it is... I will keep u in my prayers...

No worries.. I will pic up on the meet.......
Sooo...... Lets do this.... It will be a day ride to Harrison. Via the Fort Langley Ferry and backroads... leave early go for lunch.... ride home...

We could meet at the #1 highway 232 street exit at the Chevron... Now we have to pick a day... How about Aug 30th... and end of summer ride?.....


PS Im always up for a blast to Harrision so PM me...
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Oh yeah... also open to non FZ6 Riderz...........

But they gotta ride in the back......JK
Can you believe it that I'm thinking of going? I would like to beat the heat and I'm just trying to figure out an excuse to get out of town. It would be nice if it was more than a day ride, more like a weekend type of event.

I almost forgot about this. Unfortunately I will have to bow out form both attending and organizing this event. Life seems to have thrown me a few cuve balls as of late, including being recently diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Apparantly I have the kidneys of a 75yr old, with about 34% kidney function currently remaining. I have had more Dr. appointments and blood tests done in the last month than in my entire life and they will be continuing all summer/fall long. Combine this with a 6month old, a new job and having to attend several weddings, including being a best man in one of them, my summer "free time" just got chewed up in a hurry.

So I've been having to do a lot of re-adjustments in my life and the relatively simple act of getting away for a weekend ride just isn't really going to fit my current schedule.

I appologise to all involved as it is not my style to bail on things, especially things I start.

I am hoping someone from the mainland can pick up where this left off.

I'm so sorry to hear about your medical issues, mate....these things are unpredictable and (often) inevitable in our lives. It seems nobody gets through this life experience scott-free.
My best wishes to you, Boneman.
I'm scheduled for some serious lower spine surgery at VGH on August 5th, so my summer has gone for a dumper. :( I was hoping it wouldn't be until September or October, but there we are.
So, I'm also out of the FZ6 ride.....hopefully next year we'll all get to do this again. :thumbup:
Can you believe it that I'm thinking of going? I would like to beat the heat and I'm just trying to figure out an excuse to get out of town. It would be nice if it was more than a day ride, more like a weekend type of event.

Come on up for the weekend... We have a spare room and a garage for the Bike..... ( We may be commin to Vegas thou in sept) not sure yet
Thanks for your well wishes OneTrack and Dennis! Much appreciated. It's an adjustment for me becoming a "patient". I'm not used to being the one needing assistance and support...more used to being the one giving it. I'm positive though and this is just my 'sack of hammers' that I got saddled with to carry around for the rest of my life. The way I look at it, there are a heck of a lot of people out there who have to endue 100x's more hardship than I do just to get through each day. So I'm still pretty darn lucky!

Although I have reached the stage in my life were going to the doctor is now not as 'care free' as it used to be and there is now always the fear of more 'bad news'. Always figured that would start around age 65..... ;)

Who knows, if things go well with this meet, perhaps a little one in the fall? If not, I will be at next years for sure! Might even try an Island meet!! :thumbup:
I should be in town that weekend so Im in. Harrison is alot of fun. Im headed to Vegas the second week of september. Got a room booked at the MonteCarlo for the nights of the 12-14. Never been to Vegas before so Im lookin' forward to it for sure. Play some poker with the pros. Cant wait to get served...lol
Boneman, hope you feel better soon and we'll definately go for a rip one day. I'm itchin' to goto the island for ride. Take care.

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I should be in town that weekend so Im in. Harrison is alot of fun. Im headed to Vegas the second week of september. Got a room booked at the MonteCarlo for the nights of the 12-14. Never been to Vegas before so Im lookin' forward to it for sure. Play some poker with the pros. Cant wait to get served...lol
Boneman, hope you feel better soon and we'll definately go for a rip one day. I'm itchin' to goto the island for ride. Take care.


Make sure you give me a buzz if you get the time. Would like to meet ya if I don't see you up there. Never been to Vegas....LOL....You're in for a shock.
Me and a buddy were thinkin' of takin a ride up towards Whistler/Pemberton on Sunday the 30th weather permitting. Anyone is welcome to come. Didnt hink this meet was going to happen so I never really made plans for it. Whistler isnt written in stone, but I just rode to Harrison a few weeks ago and was wantin' to go another route. Anyways, hope some of you can make it out for a ride on Sunday. Take care.