What should I get?

Which plane should I buy?

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I am shopping for a plane. Which one do you think I should buy?

Pic #1 - Hangar 9 F-22 Raptor (Gas)

Pic #2 - E-flite F-15 Eagle (Electric)

Pic #3 - ParkZone T-28 Trojan (Electric)

EDIT: Please tell me why you voted for that plane!

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The Hangar 9 F22 is supposed to be a descent flying delta wing as H9 added addition surface area on the leading edge of the wings for lift while also adding some frontal surfaces to slow it down a little. Without an experienced pilot with you on the buddy box system, it might be a handful.

The F-15 Eagle will be a rocket! Tends to move fast, will either keep up with Shawn's trainer, or blow past it. Because of it's speed relative to size it'll disappear more quickly and for the novice pilot, some will loose orientation and end up driving it into the ground. You really have to fly ahead of this one.

The T-28 was a descent trainer back in it's day. In the R/C scaled size, it's okay. I'm not sure what level of flying you're at, but typically low winged planes require a little more skill than the high wings. Problem with scale R/C airplanes is they are limited in the wing surface thus lacking lift meaning you're going to have to fly faster to keep it in the air. You'll have to land at speed and note the stall speed might surprise you so stay lively on the throttle. I think this one might be okay to try out. :D
Thanks Daryl. I really dig the F-22...the only thing I don't like about it is the prop and I'm not sure if I was to go gas.

I'm still a beginner pilot, but I'm pretty confident that I could fly these planes. This may not be saying much, but I have been flying the stryker B with LiPos. It's almost as fast as the stryker C. I'm guessing it will do about 50-55 mph with the LiPos, at full throttle.
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On the t-28 vote only because it looks cool. I have no experince and couldnt begin to say why.
I'd go for the F 15. I dont know the specs of the planes so i went for which looks better. The Raptor looks good as well but like you said J, the prop in front doesn't look that great...
If you are a beginner I would definitely stay with an electric plane. Gas is a whole different element when it comes to anything RC. I dabbled in planes for a while, then after crashing soooo many times I decided to just stick with cars. I also swore off of gas after I flew my first brushless electric, just charge and fly, no carb adjusstments, fuel hoses to slip off, dead glow plug igniters, et cetera.
i didnt think of the problems wolf said but the f-15 looks the coolest and I was thinking that if you had a sudden urge ( I never plan anything...) to go fly you could just gas up and go..... no carging or waiting to charge, also if you were out flying and the charge ran dead... you could just put in more gas.... I am not an expert at this at all (or a novice for that matter just my worthless two cents) :thumbup:
The T-28, props look funny on a jet. The T-28 is a great looking plane, a better flyier I'd assume.
if you want to stay with electric, get the trojan, if you want to go glow, get the raptor. :thumbup:
My votes for the T28. I just like the way it looks, def dont like the props on the F22, doesnt flow witht he rest of the jet...since I know zero about RC planes I will only comment on aesthetics, electric is probably a plus too though. :thumbup:
or maybe check out this.

[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=osC0QANi3lU"]YouTube - HorizonRC.Com Preview: E-flite's t-34 Mentor ePTS[/ame]
i didnt think of the problems wolf said but the f-15 looks the coolest and I was thinking that if you had a sudden urge ( I never plan anything...) to go fly you could just gas up and go..... no carging or waiting to charge, also if you were out flying and the charge ran dead... you could just put in more gas.... I am not an expert at this at all (or a novice for that matter just my worthless two cents) :thumbup:

You still have batteries to charge with gas planes (and cars). The battery runs the receiver and the servos. A battery will only last about two tank fulls. Battery planes usually have lithium ion battery packs and can run up to 20 minutes with a good outrunner brushless setup. Batteries usually charge pretty quickly in both cases, so if you have extra battery packs (and enough gas) you can basically fly all day.
I haven't flown R/C planes in a few years, and never have flown an electric plane (but I just started dabbling with electric helicopters). When I was flying I flew a bunch of planes, everything from biplanes to Diamond Dust (Diamond Dust) turbine jet-trainers (a small prop-plane that would do around 175mph).

I haven't followed what you have flown so far, but I voted for the T-28. It looks like it will be fairly easy to fly if you don't have a lot of experience.

While the F-22 looks like it might be fairly easy to fly, I would avoid it because of the pre-installed engine. Flying gas (actually nitro) is a lot harder to deal with than electric. Getting a nitro engine to run reliably can be a royal pain. Spending an hour or more at the field trying to get your engine running is no fun, nor is making dead stick landings. It pays to get a really good engine, no mater what you are flying. When I was flying O.S. and SuperTigre were the best. In most cases, cheapo engines (and I can only assume the engine in this plane is not that good...maybe I'm wrong), never run good no matter how much they are tinkered with.

IMO, The F-15 looks like an expert plane to me. High wing loading means high stall speed, fast landings. The shape will make it hard to get keep a perspective on it when it gets any distance away.

If you decide to get into Nitro...

This was my fourth or fifth plane: Tower Hobbies UpRoar
$45 for the kit, which is very easy to build, if your so inclined. They also make an ARF version too.

This was the absolutely funnest plane I owned. It would fly very slow, and pretty fast with a good engine ( I had a strong SuperTiger .51 in mine). In a slight steady breeze I could hover it in front of me as long as I wanted an then do trick after trick. The large control surfaces allowed it to be flown wildly, but the large thick wing made it very easy to fly as well.

Just a thought.
