Biker teaches lady rules of the road

What's the big deal. Let the lady merge, why try to challenge a car? A louder horn may have helped.
I'm impressed the cop took his word for it. Another good example for why to wear a camera while riding.
I agree with Kenny. Let it go! Mom used to say that the 'Right of Way" is something you give but never receive. I am not justifying the cager's seemingly total lack of road manners, but confrontations are, in the long run, no good.
Knowing how many people turn slightly while looking and his day could have been over. Being right and dead makes it pointless. Plus it makes other late while they clean the highway!
I agree. I'm glad the lady got her ticket. Maybe she'll pay more attention. But I certainly wouldn't be sharing a lane with her just to yell at her and make my point.

I would have thought the cop would need a little more proof than just hearsay, but good on him for chasing her down.
Given the options of
a) gently applying a bit of throttle to get in her range of vision ahead of her
b) making a terrible fuss in order to get between a big lorry and a driver who's clearly not paying attention
c) gently throttling back and tucking in behind her, where I can keep an eye on her
I'd have opted for d) get in front of the lorry before the lanes merge so I can see the traffic situation further ahead and the (well driven) lorry has my back

Certainly not worth getting that upset about (although I do like your "merge in turn" rule)
[MENTION=25432]dbldutch02[/MENTION], overtaking the lorry would have made it an aggressive move considering the lane was merging and that there was a railroad crossing. Another potential hazard. Passing the truck could have recreated the exact same scenario, making the rider no different than the lady driver.
[MENTION=25432]dbldutch02[/MENTION], overtaking the lorry would have made it an aggressive move considering the lane was merging and that there was a railroad crossing. Another potential hazard. Passing the truck could have recreated the exact same scenario, making the rider no different than the lady driver.

Fair point, although I might call it "assertive" rather than "aggressive" - the merge was clear from a distance, it would have been no hassle to overtake the lorry before it even started to merge
I wonder what bike he was on that the truck was pulling away so fast.

As far as I'm concerned, it's just another case of a camera kid trying to spend time being right on the internet when he should be spending time staying alive on the road.

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