Installed exhaust, plugs, air filter + PC3 and lost 1/3 of my mileage


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2014
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Ontario - GTA
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I recently installed a bunch of mods and a PC3 map on my 08 and my mileage went from roughly 300km a tank, to 200-240km.

Mods: Two Brothers carbon without baffles, Iridium plugs, K&N air filter, PowerCommander 3 and O2 sensor eliminator.
Cats are still installed.

I installed the "410-004 Two Brothers slip-ons with aftermarket air filter" map from the PC website and my mileage went to ****.
I thought I had backed up the stock map, but I think I royally messed up somehow and either lost the file or didn't actually save it.

Bike was running during mapping. I even double checked at a later date to see if the map was sent properly.
I did set the throttle position through PC.

I do feel a difference in the performance compared to stock, but I'd like to know if I forgot to do anything.
I've heard that most people actually get better mileage with this.

I did not disconnect the battery during the install of any of these mods.
Not sure if needed, I thought I read somewhere that you should so you kind of reset the ECU but I can't find it anymore.

60/40 highway use, cruising at about 6k rpm in 6th. Average riding on the streets.

Am I missing something here or did something mess up?
The S2's will keep the data learned (fuel trim) from the steady state throttle settings created by the O2 sensor. So, yes. Disconnect the battery to clear the offsets stored by the ecu.
That said, it may not fix your rate of consumption....

The oem map wanders around 14.7:1 afr. Many of the maps thrown at these bikes are 12.8:1 which is a good bit richer and will consume more fuel.

Mine lost some mpgs with map at 13.1:1 but runs well and goes further than most i ride with...
The S2's will keep the data learned (fuel trim) from the steady state throttle settings created by the O2 sensor. So, yes. Disconnect the battery to clear the offsets stored by the ecu.
That said, it may not fix your rate of consumption....

The oem map wanders around 14.7:1 afr. Many of the maps thrown at these bikes are 12.8:1 which is a good bit richer and will consume more fuel.

Mine lost some mpgs with map at 13.1:1 but runs well and goes further than most i ride with...

How long should I leave it unplugged for? Just a minute or two or half an hour or more?
I'll try that tonight or tomorrow and then It will be a few days to see if that fixed or helped the issue.

A couple minutes should do it. 5" to be safe.

Do a search and see if anyone has used the map you choose and ran it on the dyno AND recorded the AFR....
Knowing AFR will help you understand its fuel consumption rates and performance....
Okay, thanks.

Does that wipe the map as well or does it stay?
Just wondering if I should avoid disconnecting the battery at a later date if I don't have a laptop handy.

Also, do you have to have the engine running to tweak PC? Or can the ignition be on but without the engine running?
IIRC it depends which one you have. If it will talk with the engine off you are fine. Some early ones wanted a battery to plug into PC (9v IIRC).
Bazzaz unit i have is powered by usb. Bike can be off.

Map is stable and is in non-volatile memory. Battery disconnect has no impact on this.
Okay, as of today I'm down to a bar left and I've got 220km on the trip so far.
Definitely made an improvement.
