Gear is Kinda Important

Lets see here - hi speed skidding object so, he was afraid to brake?!
Yet Duder stopped a half mike back.

I'm pretty sure with that adrenaline rush, the bike woulda flipped end over end to clear it. --> Then again, I would have went for flapjack laying in the road as he/she seems like a better candidate to save! Perhaps not the sharpest riding buddy tho! :eek:
The distance the bike slid is exaggerated by wide angle lens on the camera which makes it appear it slid 1/4 mile when it may have only been 100 yards.

Looks like the gear protecting him but this is why I hate people who like to ride close in groups like this. You cannot react in time at 100+ mph when the bike in front suddenly drops to 90 mph. Stay staggered!
An observation: Notice how not one of the passing cars slowed down or even changed lanes to the left when they say the fallen bike and rider in the middle of the highway. This shows you how much cagers have distain for bikers. If I saw a fallen bike I would put my flashers on and stop in the lane behind the fallen bike until they got it safely to the shoulder.

Most drivers would stop if they saw a car flipped over on it's side in the road but "F you bikers!" :Flip:
The distance the bike slid is exaggerated by wide angle lens on the camera which makes it appear it slid 1/4 mile when it may have only been 100 yards.

Looks like the gear protecting him but this is why I hate people who like to ride close in groups like this. You cannot react in time at 100+ mph when the bike in front suddenly drops to 90 mph. Stay staggered!

I counted 00:20 to 00:34 on the video that the bike was sliding! I heard he waxes that bike a lot! :thumbup:
Wow but my question is how did this happen, how do you suddenly ride into the back of another bike.

At that speed the camera bike just let off the throttle a little and the bike was in line and too close. The camera bike may not have known the other bike was there when the throttle was backed off. At that speed letting off the throttle is a quick reduction in speed.
Either way, give each other room if you're going to hoon it up. And, of course, Gear Up! :rockon:
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That rider is an idiot. You can always look like a pro wearing your gear but it doesn't mean you can ride like one. Crash was 100% preventable if that guy new how to ride.
As well as that I think I'm hard pressed to find such a stupid rider. Using all the lanes and acting like an idiot.