Carrying a rifle on your bike


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2008
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I'm a concealed handgun instructor and avid shooter. I wanted to go to the range tomorrow to put lead down range. Do any of you carry a rifle on your bike? Obviously, I'm not looking to have it out in the open as to cause alarm to other cagers driving beside me. I was just wondering if you have and how you carried it safely. This would be a fairly heavy (16lbs) scoped rifle... :D Not something I would just sling over my shoulder.
I'm a concealed handgun instructor and avid shooter. I wanted to go to the range tomorrow to put lead down range. Do any of you carry a rifle on your bike? Obviously, I'm not looking to have it out in the open as to cause alarm to other cagers driving beside me. I was just wondering if you have and how you carried it safely. This would be a fairly heavy (16lbs) scoped rifle... :D Not something I would just sling over my shoulder.

People have often carried a rifle in a scabbard attached to a bike. I am a LEO and I wear my Glock .40 on my hip, when riding my bike to work. I don't much worry about what people see.

You are in Texas, I would not think people would be alarmed.

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I've carried an AR slung on my back a couple of times just because. I wouldn't do it in a city to avoid being hassled though.

In Texas, open carry isn't illegal if it's a long gun, you can even have it loaded as long as there isn't a round chambered while the vehicle is moving. (has to do with poaching)

Back while I was in Maryland I rode with a disassembled O/U shotgun in a soft case and several boxes of shells to the trap range, but it wasn't obvious, and they probably made that illegal now since the laws there took a turn for the worse in the last couple of years.
A guy on my beemer forum just installed this, but it might cause alarm, especially if your pillion is riding backwards. Blah

Texas has pretty good laws about guns. Arkansas however..

I would make a case or something. Barney phife LEO extraordinaire will hassle you even if you are within your rights and laws. People get nervous. You might as well be pointing it at them the way they act. LoL
I'm former LEO as well (2 short years). Not really worried about legal matters, just best way to transport it. I like the way that hard case in mounted on the Beamer. I might have to look into a setup like that with a quick easy way to detach the case. Thanks for the input guys.