Has this been a typical year?


Ride Like Your Invisible!
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Mar 24, 2010
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Milford, MI
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It's kind of hard to guess what will bring you to an accident because there are so many variables no matter how much experience you have. Sometimes aggression and sometime discretion have to be employed but the most important to me is attitude. You can have all the skill and training but with the wrong attitude they mean nothing and you can end up in a situation that's hard to get through and really put you in harms way to begin with. :)
With the increase in social media news story sharing it's not surprising we are seeing more and more accident stories. It doesn't mean the rates have increased it just means technology and more people using it puts more stories out there!

That said there are certainly more motorcycles on the roads in recent years. A result of a crappy economy, slow job market and high gas prices will always sell motorcycles and alcohol!
With the increase in social media news story sharing it's not surprising we are seeing more and more accident stories. It doesn't mean the rates have increased it just means technology and more people using it puts more stories out there!

That said there are certainly more motorcycles on the roads in recent years. A result of a crappy economy, slow job market and high gas prices will always sell motorcycles and alcohol!

And they never report on how many people rode or drove safely to where ever and back,,,,,:)
One statistic I never see is the comparison between numbers killed by cars and bikes. I don't mean on/in cars and bikes, I mean by. They always tell us that bikes are dangerous because riders get killed. But they never bother to find out how many people these things are actually killing.
One statistic I never see is the comparison between numbers killed by cars and bikes. I don't mean on/in cars and bikes, I mean by. They always tell us that bikes are dangerous because riders get killed. But they never bother to find out how many people these things are actually killing.

Are you not counting single vehicle accidents on motorcycles that result in death as being "killed by a motorcycle"? If I were to hit a deer and die on my motorcycle the motorcycle would be blamed since hitting a deer in a cage rarely results in death or injury to the driver.

As to how many motorcycles actually cause death to another motorist when the motorcycle strikes said motorist I agree that rate is extremely low!
I would count that as "killed by a deer". Would your motorcycle have killed you if the deer hadn't been there? Nope.

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that bikes do kill people. We've all seen the pictures of the back end of a fireblade sticking out of the drivers door of a car. But when a bike goes down on spilt diesel, the bike wasn't the danger, the diesel was.

When a car driver side swipes a biker changing lanes, the bike wasn't the danger, the car was.

It really annoys me when people say "bikes are dangerous", and then jump into a ton + of metal and plastic, with little to no observation for the driver, at speeds fast enough to pulp the human body into an unrecognisable mass.
When a car driver side swipes a biker changing lanes, the bike wasn't the danger, the car was.

It really annoys me when people say "bikes are dangerous", and then jump into a ton + of metal and plastic, with little to no observation for the driver, at speeds fast enough to pulp the human body into an unrecognisable mass.

Bikes are tools just like cars, trucks, chainsaws, guns or anything else that must be used properly and carefully to prevent injury. Bikes aren't dangerous but they do leave the rider more vulnerable than a cage to the careless actions of other fools on the road.
I did some research a few years ago about motorcycle deaths. I think the average is around 4500 per year in the US. Most bike deaths are single vehicle accidents and the major contributing factors are alcohol and speeding. Most accidents happen while turning and most take place at night, I guess that goes with the alcohol.
Worked a motorcycle wreck the other night, Moto v ditch. 55mph. No helmet, I would have flew him but the weather wasn't "ideal" for a bird, ran hot to a major trauma center with neuro. Lac over left eye, few to the head. Wasn't the worst I've seen. He was coherent

On another note, you cam bitch and moan, but I will be cutting your 500$ suit off of you. Be safe or I get to see you naked :)
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Worked a motorcycle wreck the other night, Moto v ditch. 55mph. No helmet, I would have flew him but the weather wasn't "ideal" for a bird, ran hot to a major trauma center with neuro. Lac over left eye, few to the head. Wasn't the worst I've seen. He was coherent

On another note, you cam bitch and moan, but I will be cutting your 500$ suit off of you. Be safe or I get to see you naked :)

If your Moto v ditch dude wasn't wearing a helmet, he probably wasn't wearing a $500 suit. That said, if I am lying down and you show up to help me, I am not going be worried about a $500 suit (should I have one), as I would be grateful to see you. Instead, I would be asking myself if I had a clean pair of undershorts on... :thumbup:
I did some research a few years ago about motorcycle deaths. I think the average is around 4500 per year in the US. Most bike deaths are single vehicle accidents and the major contributing factors are alcohol and speeding. Most accidents happen while turning and most take place at night, I guess that goes with the alcohol.

I'm sure the alcohol and speeding bits are correct but most fatal accidents involving other vehicles and motorcycles happen at intersections or when a car is turning across the path of a motorcycle.
In the UK drink driving has been almost been wiped out, especially on bikes. So here, the majority of bike accidents are caused by "right of way violations" (35%). After that, losing control at speed (11%). Having driven in America, I'm so glad our hated nanny state, also controls road use.