Shellshock Vulnerability Alert


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May 8, 2008
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San Diego, Ca.
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This is a legitimate notice I'm passing on from a major telecommunications company:

Subject: Shellshock Vulnerability Alert

A vulnerability known as "Shellshock" has been identified that affects a large portion of the internet. This vulnerability affects not only businesses, but also your personal online activity. This is a new, but very serious vulnerability that could allow attackers to gain access to any data residing on compromised systems.

The vulnerability is named Shellshock because it is associated with the Bash shell that is used in many UNIX based systems. Vulnerabilities have been confirmed in many operating systems including RedHat, Solaris, Ubuntu, and Mac OS X.

As Shellshock could potentially lead to the compromise of many websites, it is important that you closely monitor your online account use and any associated notifications from personal service providers.

Most major internet services are also working quickly to fix their vulnerable systems, but smaller sites and services may take longer.

Be aware that this issue could lead to an increase in phishing emails asking you to click on links to change your password for various internet services. As always, do not click on links in emails. Instead, go directly to the company website referenced in the email.
Thanks Cliff,
If people run a decent anti virus software package is the threat still relevant?

Thanks Cliff,
If people run a decent anti virus software package is the threat still relevant?

Even with virus protection your computer can be compromised . Common sense is just as important and critical to your computers health. Like the warning says. Be carefully of links or attachments.
I received an email attachment last week from a 3rd party company contracted to care of warranty shipping for an Sonicare tooth brush. I didn't order anything from that company and so I would not open the attachment. That's the way the Internet is today. It's the wild wild west! Lol!
The virus software can be helpful but their are always exploits.:)

Sent from Moto's Motorola
While surfin World War II aircraft history sites this afternoon I had a popup leap upon my screen that said it was from Microsoft saying my computer had a malware/adware virus.
Wanted me to call an 877 number,wish I'd written it down!
I didn't do anything but look at it,then closed the window.
Then I did a quick scan with Microsoft Secuirty Essentials followed by a full scan that took over 6 hours.
Neither found a thing.
I've got a nephew that had his bank account wiped out by some hackers somewhere in Russia.
It's a strange new world we live in.
Be careful!
While surfin World War II aircraft history sites this afternoon I had a popup leap upon my screen that said it was from Microsoft saying my computer had a malware/adware virus.
Wanted me to call an 877 number,wish I'd written it down!
I didn't do anything but look at it,then closed the window.
Then I did a quick scan with Microsoft Secuirty Essentials followed by a full scan that took over 6 hours.
Neither found a thing.
I've got a nephew that had his bank account wiped out by some hackers somewhere in Russia.
It's a strange new world we live in.
Be careful!

Next time do "print screen" (key) and paste into a photo editor. You can capture stuff like that.

In this day and age, change PW's often, dont use the same ones for playing (forums, facebook, other nonessential web accounts) as your CC and bank accounts. Its not worth the risk. PC/Servers are hacked all the time plus stupid people take laptops home having "our stuff on it" putting us at risk.

Pretty much all virus software should scan cache and temp files for exe, com, bat, dll, etc, and other known files types. Its an adds a measure to stop bad stuff before it happens.
Be smart folks...