Chain Alignment?


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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So my riding buddy noticed that my chain was tracking to the outside of the rear sprocket. He has been a rider for 30 years and he believes that the chain should track in the center of the sprocket, no rubbing on either side. Is this true? If the chain is aligned and not tracking to the inside or outside is this a guarantee that my wheels are aligned? I don't think it is. What is more important, an aligned chain or aligned wheels? It's unlikely you can get both perfect unless the sprockets are on the exact same parallel line that the wheel hubs are.
So my riding buddy noticed that my chain was tracking to the outside of the rear sprocket. He has been a rider for 30 years and he believes that the chain should track in the center of the sprocket, no rubbing on either side. Is this true? If the chain is aligned and not tracking to the inside or outside is this a guarantee that my wheels are aligned? I don't think it is. What is more important, an aligned chain or aligned wheels? It's unlikely you can get both perfect unless the sprockets are on the exact same parallel line that the wheel hubs are.

I beleive you are correct to assume that sprocket and wheel alignment *may not* always align. As you may recall I string aligned mine and found it did make both the chain and wheel happy but that may not always be the case.

IME an alinged chain may float to either side but through obseravtion of the contact pattern, you see where the load is. Also keep in mind that any sprocket left out of align would likely wear the leading edge in manor that although the alignment has been corrected it may favor one side over the other.

Wheel & Contact pattern OUT of Alignment:

Wheel & Contact pattern IN Alignment:

FROM ^^ --> How to string align your rear wheel!!

That said, I would try and align it and see what comes of it. Tell tale signs it helped are:
- floats from side to side
- reduced vibrations
- lube contact pattern moves to the center
I beleive you are correct to assume that sprocket and wheel alignment *may not* always align. As you may recall I string aligned mine and found it did make both the chain and wheel happy but that may not always be the case.

IME an alinged chain may float to either side but through obseravtion of the contact pattern, you see where the load is. Also keep in mind that any sprocket left out of align would likely wear the leading edge in manor that although the alignment has been corrected it may favor one side over the other.

Wheel & Contact pattern OUT of Alignment:

Wheel & Contact pattern IN Alignment:

FROM ^^ --> How to string align your rear wheel!!

That said, I would try and align it and see what comes of it. Tell tale signs it helped are:
- floats from side to side
- reduced vibrations
- lube contact pattern moves to the center

Was going through my old threads and somehow completely missed this! Thanks FI! Makes sense. My chain wear pattern matches the second picture you posted !:thumbup:
from what I hear if your chain is out of alignment then your wheel is to. that can have a affect your handling of the bike on turns. the alignment marks on the swingarm not always 100% accurate. I got me a chain alignment tool like 15 bucks at cycle gear every time I adjust my chain I use this tool worth every penny good luck