Florida’s motorcycle deaths make a strong case for helmet laws

Even worse-in high school a friend of mine (friend A) bought an r6, but didn't have a license. He wouldn't be able to ride with us even if he got a permit since none of us were 21. Another buddy (friend B) took the safety class. Friend B gave friend A his MSF completion card to go to the DMV and try using that to bypass taking the written and skills test. Guess what? It worked. The girl behind the desk didn't even look at the name on the card and gave friend A his M endorsement using friend B's MSF card. :spank:

I tried telling him to wait til the next year when he could get into a msf class, but he didn't listen.

Luckily he never wrecked and was a smart & safe rider; sold the bike a year later, but if he got away with it I wonder how many squids do the same thing.
Even worse-in high school a friend of mine (friend A) bought an r6, but didn't have a license. He wouldn't be able to ride with us even if he got a permit since none of us were 21. Another buddy (friend B) took the safety class. Friend B gave friend A his MSF completion card to go to the DMV and try using that to bypass taking the written and skills test. Guess what? It worked. The girl behind the desk didn't even look at the name on the card and gave friend A his M endorsement using friend B's MSF card. :spank:

I tried telling him to wait til the next year when he could get into a msf class, but he didn't listen.

Luckily he never wrecked and was a smart & safe rider; sold the bike a year later, but if he got away with it I wonder how many squids do the same thing.

What parent would let their child buy an R6 for a first bike? :eek: The fortuneate one here is (friend B). If (friend A) had caused or was involved in a serious accident (friend B) would have found himself in some deep doodoo. :spank:
Even worse-in high school a friend of mine (friend A) bought an r6, but didn't have a license. He wouldn't be able to ride with us even if he got a permit since none of us were 21. Another buddy (friend B) took the safety class. Friend B gave friend A his MSF completion card to go to the DMV and try using that to bypass taking the written and skills test. Guess what? It worked. The girl behind the desk didn't even look at the name on the card and gave friend A his M endorsement using friend B's MSF card. :spank:

I tried telling him to wait til the next year when he could get into a msf class, but he didn't listen.

Luckily he never wrecked and was a smart & safe rider; sold the bike a year later, but if he got away with it I wonder how many squids do the same thing.

Wow.. we've had quite a few folks coming back because of small mistakes on M.O.S.T. waivers (if the name is misspelled or if license # is off by one character). DMV wouldn't give them license.
Even worse-in high school a friend of mine (friend A) bought an r6, but didn't have a license. He wouldn't be able to ride with us even if he got a permit since none of us were 21. Another buddy (friend B) took the safety class. Friend B gave friend A his MSF completion card to go to the DMV and try using that to bypass taking the written and skills test. Guess what? It worked. The girl behind the desk didn't even look at the name on the card and gave friend A his M endorsement using friend B's MSF card. :spank:

I tried telling him to wait til the next year when he could get into a msf class, but he didn't listen.

Luckily he never wrecked and was a smart & safe rider; sold the bike a year later, but if he got away with it I wonder how many squids do the same thing.

WOW, that is un-real....
What parent would let their child buy an R6 for a first bike? :eek: The fortuneate one here is (friend B). If (friend A) had caused or was involved in a serious accident (friend B) would have found himself in some deep doodoo. :spank:

Him and the DMV facility.

Talk about incompetency at your job, right?
Wow.. we've had quite a few folks coming back because of small mistakes on M.O.S.T. waivers (if the name is misspelled or if license # is off by one character). DMV wouldn't give them license.

We make it a point to have the waiver form filled out as it appears on their driver's license. As Eric had noted, if we make a mistake or it doesn't match for some reason, we would have to reissue a new completion card. God knows how many completion card I've caught I screwed up on, and had to void them out.

One funny side note, the DMV in Vegas is notorious for long waits. Due to the heavy influx of people needing to convert their driver's license to Nevada, it could take all day. I had one student who was a supervisor at one of the DMV locations and she gave her card out to the rest of the class who passed so that they didn't have to wait. Oh, I made sure I got one too, you never know when you might have to go.
It makes no sens to me that people would chose to ride without a helmet!

I mean, all it takes is to bump your head hard once on a hard surface and you know for a fact that is no fun at all and it hurts like hell, how would hitting your head on a road doing 70mph feel any better? There is just no logic behind it...

On a side note, what is the process to get a motorcycle license in the US? Do you even have to take classes and a test? Or can you just buy a bike and ride?

Anyone not wearing a helmet is not the kind of person to think logically. Usually the decision to not wear a helmet is based on several factors:

1. Ego (I look more badass without a silly helmet)

2. Peer pressure (None of my other riding buddies wear helmets)

3. Inexperience with crashing (If you've never crashed hard you are less likely to gear up. It's just like Russian roulette. As long as you keep playing roulette and nothing bad happens you are more likely to keep playing roulette)
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It's really an easy fix. Insurance companies just need to write in a clause that says if you wreck while riding without a helmet, gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and closed toe shoes, you aren't covered for medical expenses - period.

These goons will still ride and still "have" insurance (in case they injure someone else) but will either cripple, kill, or so impoverish themselves that it will be a self correcting problem.

Remove the warning labels, don't require helmets, and skip hanging the danger signs. Any moron that doesn't grasp physics or chemistry well enough to NOT drink the bleach and crawl into the wood-chipper should probably end up a pile of toxic goo under the trailer anyway.

We can even institute a national government jobs program where guys with hoses clean smears off of the highway and move bodies out of newly abandoned houses.