Heads up Kentucky Riders..



This is hot off the bulletin board at the State Troopers post (internal). Seems the Kentucky State Troopers have acquired some extra funds so they have put it to good use. Between June 1 and June 19, 2008 they will be getting overtime and guess what it's for, yup, you got it, they after speeders on the state highway system. Be cool folks it's ticket time and they want to recover their costs associated with gas.......
I knocked on wood, and bit my tounge. I have always done 9 mph over what ever the speed limit is in KY and never even had the police bat a eye at me. The one ticket I have got here was slowing from over 100 in a 55, and it was written as 79. This was 1995.

Have you noticed that the police do not seem to be interested in white vehicles? My last three have been white (I like white so does my dad and brother) and I havent even been pulled over once.

Generally what I am getting at is have to your knowledge have they changed the Offically Unoffical policy of 9 over is not interesting to us if the driver is belted, valid tags, clean vehicle, no obvious jack ass behavior, and not driving like a fool?
Hey Steve, check this out, Greg told me when the order came down the benchmark was 4 tickets an hour while on OT. I thought quotas were supposed to be illegal? Not that they follow the rules....
I hear you.

Ok so 5 over till July it is. Thats just a boring ticket, and avoid construction.

What is it on I65 now.
Double fine and 55 mph? I think thats it.
Generally what I am getting at is have to your knowledge have they changed the Offically Unoffical policy of 9 over is not interesting to us if the driver is belted, valid tags, clean vehicle, no obvious jack ass behavior, and not driving like a fool?

I'll talk to Greg again tomorrow and let you know. Just from his tone when he told me about the OT I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were going to 5mph as it would appear these folks are on a mission. I guess their budget is all jacked up with the price of gas. Apparently their patrolling has been put on hold in that they're in the sit and wait, engine off mode. Nashville has been going nuts with the unmarked cages again and the folks in Millersville have been back out on the interstate between like marker 114 and 97. These folks ain't playing fair for sure.
I hear you.

Ok so 5 over till July it is. Thats just a boring ticket, and avoid construction.

What is it on I65 now.
Double fine and 55 mph? I think thats it.

Yeah and the other day there was a silver bullet in the construction zone between Franklin exit #6 and like marker 14. I'm stayin off the state highways and stickin to back roads. I'll see if I can't get a hold of Audrey (Chief of Police in Woodburn) to see what she has to say about all this.
You know this is off topic

Every close call except one on the interstates that I have had, has been due to.

1. People jamming brakes because of a trooper.
2. Trooper jamming brakes to turn and chase.
3. People watching troopers.

Accidents are caused by speed diferential on the interstate. Someone doing 50 is just as much danger as someone doing 90.
But someone doing 75 is very little danger just like someone doing 65. (70 mean)
I am all for police, I like the police, I want the police but using fast tax to pay for gas to patrol is a little evil.

Using speeding tickets to catch a budget shortfall brought on by gas prices is morally wrong.
Especially when the State Police could be tazing hippies or something useful. LOL
A cop once told me they don't have quotas, they can write all the tickets they want!

Public safety my a#$, revenue enhancement is the name of that tune.
You know this is off topic

Every close call except one on the interstates that I have had, has been due to.

1. People jamming brakes because of a trooper.
2. Trooper jamming brakes to turn and chase.
3. People watching troopers.

Accidents are caused by speed diferential on the interstate. Someone doing 50 is just as much danger as someone doing 90.
But someone doing 75 is very little danger just like someone doing 65. (70 mean)
I am all for police, I like the police, I want the police but using fast tax to pay for gas to patrol is a little evil.

Using speeding tickets to catch a budget shortfall brought on by gas prices is morally wrong.
Especially when the State Police could be tazing hippies or something useful. LOL

Seeing as how you brought it up check this out. Last summer when things were dry and the grass on the side of the road had turned somewhat brown I was on 65 headed for the Natchez Trace. After crossing into Tennessee I picked up two Mustang GT's at marker 117 and we were cruising at roughly 90mph (limit is 70) with nobody but us around or so we thought. As we were passing exit 112 a Tennessee State Trooper (their cars were the same color as the grass) decided he wanted to back up on the shoulder so he turned on his blue lights. It was as if all three of us had seen the lights at the same time because none of us saw the car. We hit the brakes and dropped to 70 real quick as we went by the Trooper. That car was in plain view but the color allowed it to blend right it like camo....

I agree, if they're going to write citations as a public safety issue then they should be writing them all the time but around here it has been my experience folks just do what they want because the Troopers or locals are never around. Lord knows what they are doing but they dang sure aren't writing citations in places where the action is. Oh, I take that back, Logan (my grandson) had told me the Bowling Green PD has an officer parked in front of the high school every day so he can get kids for not using their turn signal when turning into the campus.

I agree with you Steve in that speeding isn't the problem as much as speeding when the driver is bump drafting at the same time. I also agree that writing citations to cover for a loss of revenue isn't right, they should be out there all the time and then maybe I wouldn't have to wait at lights while 4 cages go through after the light has turned red. Now there is a money maker for them....
Here where I live (close to Ashland KY), The police have a reward for the officer who gives out the most tickets(mostly for seat belts) up until the end of June. The reward is from what I hear $500.00 to the winner.
Here where I live (close to Ashland KY), The police have a reward for the officer who gives out the most tickets(mostly for seat belts) up until the end of June. The reward is from what I hear $500.00 to the winner.

i respect cops and im glad they do what they do, but alot of what they do is just wrong.
I think alot of it comes down from the top though. Most of the troopers I have met are good folks. I think they just have to do what they are told.
Here where I live (close to Ashland KY), The police have a reward for the officer who gives out the most tickets(mostly for seat belts) up until the end of June. The reward is from what I hear $500.00 to the winner.

Hey, I would put up $500 to the one that wrote the most citations for not wearing a helmet. I figure if a seat belt in a cage is mandatory then what's up with no helmet?

Back to the State Troopers, they're giving 5mph out of the post at Bowling Green......
On my ride home last night, I decided to take the freeway, which is a much longer route, but a nice change of pace. I merged onto the freeway going about 90mph, but eventually slowed down since I hit traffic in front of me. Staying in the right lane since I was taking the next exit onto another freeway, I noticed a motorcycle cop merged in front of me. Hello "Metro", around here, the motorcycle cops takes their bikes home so I was guessing he was on his way home. Anyway, as we merged onto the next freeway, we both bolted across four lanes into the fast lane. He was going 90mph and I was right behind him, leaving everybody, I mean everybody out of sight. I figured he aint going to take the time and write me a ticket when he's on his way home. We both end up taking the same exit about 8 miles down the road, but he went straight and I made a right.
5mph it is.

thats a easy fix.

Check this out, they have changed the speed limit signs on I65 in the area around marker 112 to 60mph. Don't know why but the Millersville Police were sitting off the shoulder last night lights out and waiting.
I didn't know city cops could pull you over on a interstate. I always thought that was state trooper turf.
Here where I live (close to Ashland KY), The police have a reward for the officer who gives out the most tickets(mostly for seat belts) up until the end of June. The reward is from what I hear $500.00 to the winner.

This is a little off topic but not totally. I'm from ashland Ky, (anybody passing through should stop at staffords on Greenup Ave. and check out their dealership cause its pretty great.)

Just two years ago about 9 Ashland Po's were fired for their conduct. That just shows you how moral the ashland po's are.
This is a little off topic but not totally. I'm from ashland Ky, (anybody passing through should stop at staffords on Greenup Ave. and check out their dealership cause its pretty great.)

Just two years ago about 9 Ashland Po's were fired for their conduct. That just shows you how moral the ashland po's are.

:rof::rof: Yea I remember that