No Windscreen?


Junior Member
Nov 7, 2012
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Does anybody else ride without one (excluding the naked guys)? Took mine off to get in a parking garage when it was in the bed of my truck, never ended up putting it back on. Looks better I think, plus it feels like I'm going even faster! :rockon:
I have done it. It's ok for town, but it gets very old if you're going very fast on the interstate.
Looks are subjective (personally, I think faired bike looks goofy with no screen), BUT.. it takes away all turbulence! Better than any cut-down screen in terms of air flow.
Personally I might not be here today if it weren't for my windscreen.

I hit a 7.5 lb black vulture at 65 mph in the top of the helmet which almost put me down and into the trees at 65 mph! Had the bird not glanced off the windscreen first and struck me square in the face shield there is no way I could have stayed on the bike as the force of the blow even in the top of the helmet almost caused me to black out for a second. No way, no thanks! Be safe out there!
Personally I might not be here today if it weren't for my windscreen.

I hit a 7.5 lb black vulture at 65 mph in the top of the helmet which almost put me down and into the trees at 65 mph! Had the bird not glanced off the windscreen first and struck me square in the face shield there is no way I could have stayed on the bike as the force of the blow even in the top of the helmet almost caused me to black out for a second. No way, no thanks! Be safe out there!

WHOA! WAY COOL! DUDE! When I was young(er) and rode a much smaller bike, one day I was puttering along at around 35 mph and a HUGE 50 POUND KILLER CHICKEN flew off a high bank and centered my chest! It knocked the breath out of me and if I hadn't had a death grips on the bars I would have come off the bike! (This doesn't even account for the "snowstorm" of feathers that momentarily blocked my vis!!! : ) Actually the bird could have been a big, white, laying hen but I still say she FELT LIKE a FIFTY POUND KILLER CHICKEN!
Glad you're alright!!! (You know? W/O your windshield it may have broken your neck!!!)
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