2014 start off in a crash


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May 5, 2007
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Making a Uturn on NB Eagle to go SB, lost traction and rather accepting to take the fall which I should have done since I am all geared up with armour including my pants, I put my foot down and try to save the bike and felt my knee/leg pop sideways. The guy behind me helped me pick up my bike and as I was planting my left foot to mount the bike and ride away, It didn't feel right. Wasn't hurting but definately not right. So a couple of people helped me get to the corner, wheel my bike over to Mcdonalds and I assessed the situation. I was less than a half mile from where I lived. But I ended getting an ambulance only because I wasn't sure what the status of my leg was, plus I have never been in an ambulance so I decided to get carted off. So dissapointing, I asked for lights and siren and no go. Turns out after xrays, no broken bones but it sure feels like it when I try to walk. My leg buckles out in front of me when I try to walk, so I'm just hoping on one leg to get around for the moment.

What happened is that I simply took the U-turn too agressively under current conditions, but it's a move I do all the time. Agressive vs conservative. Reason to conduct a real quick U turn off of a left turn signal, the vehicle behind me might assume that i'm just turning left and ride away and they take off, maybe without paying full attention that I'm actually going to slow down. A U-turn will require you to initially slow down rather than speed up once reaching the turn so I have to be careful for the vehicles behind me. I also have to be careful of the vehicles taking a right turn onto the roadway that I'm turning onto, most vehicles will swing wide, not turning into their nearest lane which can create conflict. But I'm use to completing my turn inside 20 feet, well within going into the second lane so if there is a vehicle turning right, which there was, as long as they turned into their lane, no problem.

The combination of all the oil, grease, radiator fluid and deicer on eagle, and the damp roadway was a recipe for disaster. I was doomed. The guy who help me pick up my bike said it was really slick in that spot. I was so close taking the Eundoro. Can't see any damages to my FZ, but it was dark.

Sometimes, I guess it just pays off to ride around the block rather than making that real tight turn.
OUCH! Sounds more like torn ligaments or tendons - or they could just be stretched. Did they suggest that you should be an orthopedic doc? Knees can be real problems, especially as we, you know, get older. :Flash:

Please take care of the knee. If you just "get along" with it, you can do more damage when an early visit to the right doc can sometimes be a simple fix.

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Ow, Kenny, hope its nothing long-term! Shoop is right, knees can be scary as we, er, you guys get older. :eek:

And you make me laugh!
plus I have never been in an ambulance so I decided to get carted off. So dissapointing, I asked for lights and siren and no go.

How Cruel life can be! ;)
Sorry to hear of your mishap Kenny. Get that knee checked out!

My neighbor had a person pull out on him while on his KLR and he stuck a foot out. He was not so lucky and as you told the story I was hoping it wasn't the same type of damage.
Get better my friend! :)
Sorry to hear Kenny!

The roads are always out to get us it seems. Get some rest and heal those, likely pulled/torn, soft bits.
Thanks, they said for me to see a specialist if it doesn't get better in ten days. But I thought that they would do a MRI or something. A torn tendon, I wouldn't be surprised. It sure feels like I have torn something. But not sure if Xrays would show it, maybe they are desinged to see bones.

If I had known that they would would not put on the lights and sirens, I would have just called a taxi to take me to the hospital. But then I guess I would have had to wait in the lobby. The hospital didn't even offer to wheel me out into the lobby in a wheel chair, they saw me walk and collapsed a couple of times while I carried my pile of gear. They offered crutches but I refused. The folks waiting in the lobby were shocked that they didn't wheel me out in a wheel chair. I was the topic of conversation for the next 15 minutes, how they would not wheel somebody out who couldn't walk.
1984: one doctor wanted to intervene, said I could never regain full usability on me knee w/o surgery (miniscus anterior). A second said to just work it off, wait for it to get better by itself, not mess with the integrity.

I had to go with 2nd doctor's opinion (public assistance) but I'm glad I did. Fully recovered and I now have diffiiculty in remembering which knee it was.

Only thing ever done was draining fluid from the swollen area. So glad that it was right decision (not undergo surgery). I've heard nightmare stories from unsuccessful knee operations.
You said you almost took the XT....do you think that would have made any difference? I know your XT has better tires for wet/cold and I know it would have taken the drop without much damage....guess I am wondering if you think you would have gone down if you'd been on the Enduro?

Try hot/cold on that knee...and I do hope it's not too serious :hug:
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Sorry to hear it, Kenny.. sucks :(

Few things about the knee: sounds a hack of a lot like ligament damage, particularly ACL, since you mentioned it feels unstable and just buckles. It could just be stretched out or it could be torn. If torn, there will likely be some swelling and it should stiffen up quite a bit .. as in losing range of motion. x-ray cannot show this damage, this requires MRI, but there is a relatively simple test a knee specialist can do (they do this on the field with football players all the time).

Hopping on one leg is a bad idea. If you can't put weight on the bad leg, consider getting crutches ASAP. Few days of hopping can do damage to the good knee.

In the mean time, RICE. is always a good idea (rest, ice, compression, elevation).

Sincerely hope it's a minor injury!
****ty way to start the year....sorry to hear.

If it's giving out.....maybe ligament tear....doubt about tendons. But I'm not a doctor.

Take care and keep us posted.

You can always come up here to Canada and I'll lend you my health card....lol
+1 what Chris said about the knee. I am no spring chicken either and I have a history of knee abuse from sports. If in doubt get it checked. And if NOT in doubt get it checked anyway. Can't promise you an ambulance ride but a lollypop is almost guaranteed!

Heal up soon.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
We all hope you have a speedy recovery and have no serious injury. MRI exams are typically expensive and are usually not immediately ordered. Right or wrong I usually wait a day or so to better assess my condition. I am guessing that the pavement was generally clear which is why you elected to ride the "6" instead of the enduro with studded tires which would of presented its own challenges riding.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
damn Kenny I am sorry to hear of your drop i hope r n r is all thats needed to heal up fast

its those little maneuvers that seem to be the ones that we take for granted and then they bite us in the butt
my drop on icy roads last year sounds about the same as yours .... a few days or so later i was off for xrays for busted ribs ( none, fortunately) when all that i needed to do was allow nature to take its course and i hope this is true for you too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now it would appear to work beautifully thx TT and Dennis
You said you almost took the XT....do you think that would have made any difference? I know your XT has better tires for wet/cold and I know it would have taken the drop without much damage....guess I am wondering if you think you would have gone down if you'd been on the Enduro?

Try hot/cold on that knee...and I do hope it's not too serious :hug:

Yes, the Eudruro has studded tires, and even if I lost traction, the bike is 2-300 pounds lighter than the FZ.

Sorry to hear it, Kenny.. sucks :(

Few things about the knee: sounds a hack of a lot like ligament damage, particularly ACL, since you mentioned it feels unstable and just buckles. It could just be stretched out or it could be torn. If torn, there will likely be some swelling and it should stiffen up quite a bit .. as in losing range of motion. x-ray cannot show this damage, this requires MRI, but there is a relatively simple test a knee specialist can do (they do this on the field with football players all the time).

Hopping on one leg is a bad idea. If you can't put weight on the bad leg, consider getting crutches ASAP. Few days of hopping can do damage to the good knee.

In the mean time, RICE. is always a good idea (rest, ice, compression, elevation).

Sincerely hope it's a minor injury!

****ty way to start the year....sorry to hear.

If it's giving out.....maybe ligament tear....doubt about tendons. But I'm not a doctor.

Take care and keep us posted.

You can always come up here to Canada and I'll lend you my health card....lol

That's what I'm afraid of, some ligament damage. But the doctor said it was a severe strain. After 24 hours, there has been significant improvement on my mobility as far as moving my leg. I still can't walk on it but at least I can move it around, it's becoming less stiff and the swelling on the knee has even gone down.

One note, my BMW Sport Dry Boots, a full boot did it's job. I could have easily broken my ankle if I was wearing sneakers or even working boots.
After 24 hours, there has been significant improvement on my mobility as far as moving my leg. I still can't walk on it but at least I can move it around, it's becoming less stiff and the swelling on the knee has even gone down.

That is excellent news! If your ACL was hosed, there is no way it would feel better after 24 hours. You would have lost range of motion.

Hopefully it'll keep getting better and you'll be back to normal in no time!