Would a louder horn be considered Safety Equipment?

Here in Michigan they made illegal to text and drive, phones are still ok, however this is a Huge problem. Yesterday I found myself waiting for a light to change and noticed the guy in the cage behind me texting like a fiend. He put is head down and would look up every few seconds to see if the light had changed and then put his head back down. So I decided to have a little fun, mind you this light cycle is a couple of minutes. As soon as he would put head down, I would roll on the throttle to get his attention. It worked everytime and I don't think he ever caught on to it. :D
I did that before in my car :Flash: , I was next to someone and kept seeing them putting their head down (at a light) so I kept inching up and so did they (since they thought the light was green)
Here in Michigan they made illegal to text and drive, phones are still ok, however this is a Huge problem. Yesterday I found myself waiting for a light to change and noticed the guy in the cage behind me texting like a fiend. He put is head down and would look up every few seconds to see if the light had changed and then put his head back down. So I decided to have a little fun, mind you this light cycle is a couple of minutes. As soon as he would put head down, I would roll on the throttle to get his attention. It worked everytime and I don't think he ever caught on to it. :D

Literally LOL, Love it!!!
You generally get a good idea who is on the phone by their driving characteristics. Like driving unusually slow or like others have mentioned putting their head down.

If I feel that I'm threatened in any way I will use my horn. I'm not going to wait until I have to take a corrective action. My finger is already on the trigger and I can also swerve or brake while I continue to use my horn. Muscle memory. Its automatic.
...As soon as he would put head down, I would roll on the throttle to get his attention. It worked everytime and I don't think he ever caught on to it. :D

Did something similar when I lived in ATL. Woman pulls up next to me, on the phone, very close to my foot. I rolled on the throttle a couple of times to get her attention and she gives me a sneering look, since her window was down, I lay on the (OEM) horn until she rolls up her window. As light changes, I give her another toot to say good-bye.

I did that before in my car :Flash: , I was next to someone and kept seeing them putting their head down (at a light) so I kept inching up and so did they (since they thought the light was green)

Did one like this on a hill except I rolled back and they thought their car was moving forward. She dropped the phone grabbing the wheel.
Why does it always seem to be women when I get into these situations?

:cheer:UPDATE: New Compact Stebel came in the mail yesterday, headed out to garage to install now.
It's not just cagers, I was in Cape Town a couple of years ago on holiday. I split lanes to the front of the queue at a red light, stopping behind a girl on a scooter. Only when the light went green and the cars were taking off on both sides of us did I see she was texting! I lay on the Stebel and she casually put her phone in her jeans back pocket and took off. Oh yeah, and she was wearing a spaghetti strap top and flip flops, no gloves and one of those useless piss pot helmets. :spank:
Installed horn and relay. Relay operated by existing switch wiring (see attached).

Tested prior to closing everything up, worked fine. Bolted all up, tested, fine.

Tried horn on way to work, :confused: nothing. Tested on way home, worked once. Tried when pulling into driveway, :confused: nothing.

Opened everything up, tested fuse, OK, removed power leads from relay, connected meter, pushed switch, relay OK. Connected horn direct to battery, TOOT!! :eek:, that was loud.

Reinstalled everything, push switch, :rant: nothing.

WTH! :banghead: Any advice from here? :don'tknow:
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Installed horn and relay. Relay operated by existing switch wiring (see attached).

Tested prior to closing everything up, worked fine. Bolted all up, tested, fine.

Tried horn on way to work, :confused: nothing. Tested on way home, worked once. Tried when pulling into driveway, :confused: nothing.

Opened everything up, tested fuse, OK, removed power leads from relay, connected meter, pushed switch, relay OK. Connected horn direct to battery, TOOT!! :eek:, that was loud.

Reinstalled everything, push switch, :rant: nothing.

WTH! :banghead: Any advice from here? :don'tknow:
[/url][/B]Is the horn grounded out on the install? I gather you have a power lead coming out of the relay activating (to the Stebel when you activate the horn button? Are you getting power to the wire at the new horn?

It is possible you have a bad relay (it does happen, possibly activating just occassionally...)..

Your diagram is the same as I found online, same exact picture, etc...

http://static.twisted-throttle.net/media/files/horn wiring instructions.pdf

Step #6 may be of assistance: http://www.dets.com/rusks/install_a_Stebel_compact_air_horn.pdf
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Hi Cadman,
sounds exactly like the hassles I had when I installed mine
(including>>>> :eek:, that was loud).

Upon closer examination it turned out the relay was a bit hit and miss, to the point that it died totally after about 5-6 real blasts.
I took the relay to a shop like radio parts (tandy) and made sure the relay I was replacing it with was specc'd correctly, (plus the replacement has an in built 20Amp fuse). Got the shop to check all the pins were doing what they should- I took in the wiring diagram to ensure all connections to the relay were right.
new relay excellent.

I have also found that you need to give the horn a blast each day so the compressor is working well. if it doesnt work full bore then I found reversing the connections on the horn gives a really poor sound but then hooking it up the right way again -it works perfectly, the other thing is to make sure the horn is sitting vertically, although others have installed their stebels at odd angles with no worries

good luck, at least you know the horn actually works so the prob is in the other connections/components but my first thought is that the stebel relay is a bit on the unreliable side
Hi Cadman,
sounds exactly like the hassles I had when I installed mine
(including>>>> :eek:, that was loud).

Upon closer examination it turned out the relay was a bit hit and miss, to the point that it died totally after about 5-6 real blasts.
I took the relay to a shop like radio parts (tandy) and made sure the relay I was replacing it with was specc'd correctly, (plus the replacement has an in built 20Amp fuse). Got the shop to check all the pins were doing what they should- I took in the wiring diagram to ensure all connections to the relay were right.
new relay excellent.

I have also found that you need to give the horn a blast each day so the compressor is working well. if it doesnt work full bore then I found reversing the connections on the horn gives a really poor sound but then hooking it up the right way again -it works perfectly, the other thing is to make sure the horn is sitting vertically, although others have installed their stebels at odd angles with no worries

good luck, at least you know the horn actually works so the prob is in the other connections/components but my first thought is that the stebel relay is a bit on the unreliable side

I have read that the Stebel relay is NOT the best around. I haven't had any issues with mine(still have the original relay). I did pop for the plug in wiring harness so I didn't have any issues with screwing up wiring (not my favorite pass time)...
I did pop for the plug in wiring harness so I didn't have any issues with screwing up wiring ...
same same, makes the whole thing a bucket load easier

and the same as Scott, I have read that the relays can be a bit d1cky, which is how I determined that was the area I really needed to focus on as everything else was meticulously installed.... I hate trouble shooting for electrical probs too
...Upon closer examination it turned out the relay was a bit hit and miss, to the point that it died totally after about 5-6 real blasts.
I took the relay to a shop like radio parts (tandy) and made sure the relay I was replacing it with was specc'd correctly, (plus the replacement has an in built 20Amp fuse)...

Do you have a number for that fused relay? Secondary protection would be more insurance against overload.

I have also found that you need to give the horn a blast each day so the compressor is working well. if it doesnt work full bore then I found reversing the connections on the horn gives a really poor sound but then hooking it up the right way again -it works perfectly, the other thing is to make sure the horn is sitting vertically, although others have installed their stebels at odd angles with no worries

:thumbup: Good maintenance advice with the daily blast.

...the relays can be a bit d1cky, which is how I determined that was the area I really needed to focus on as everything else was meticulously installed.... I hate trouble shooting for electrical probs too

As I was a Navy electrician for 10+ years, and currently work in the industry, I tested the relay. All worked fine on the bench. But as you mentioned, "relays can be a bit d1cky" could be a faulty batch, BAD RELAY :spank:.

I have a 40A in the tool box, will try a few tests with it, then head over to tandy store.

Thx guys for the info.
Re the relay number.....Id have to open the side pod on the bike to check, I can do that tonight if your not in a hurry,
View attachment 50616

there you go it has a 30 amp in line fuse and the sme plugged into it
this all sits in the lh pod

relay details


NO 30A. ZJ12

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
:cheer: UPDATE:

Rewired horn NEG(-) to battery NEG(-), all fine, works great.

Had to put it to use this morning on the way to work. Woman :)don'tknow: why is it always a woman with me) turning left, looking right coming out of a gas station. Gave her two quick blasts then a long blast. The look on her face ":eek:" as she turned to see me was :D delightful. From my mirror, I could see as she sped across 5 lanes and almost caused another accident.

I'll have to add the :cheer:Stebel:cheer: to my signature.
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Yep, its nice having a horn that actually works and can be heard..

I was showing some retired workers (all HD riders, after having lunch) my FZ and the air horn...

They were very, very surprised at how loud it is... :thumbup:
Just installed a Stebel in my 05 this past weekend. Fits perfectly tucked up in the front fairing. Was pretty happy with my wiring job. 30 amp fuse at the battery and will easily return to stock. My original horn was only working occasionally. Here is a pic of the relay wiring harness.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I have been considering a air horn, but i can't imagine where i would put it.

Do you guys think it could fit somewhere on a naked without looking like crap?
