First Accident (and hopefully only)


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Jun 17, 2013
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On Saturday I was in my first and hopefully only motorcycle accident. I took the rider safety course in March 3rd to the 5th, got my license March 6th, and picked up my FZ6 March 10th. After 4,000 miles in 3 months I got into my first accident. I was taking an easy, wide right turn at a relatively low speed (25 mph) when I hit a patch of fine gravel nearly the same color as the pavement. I was wearing nice leather hiking boots, jeans, riding jacket, gloves, and of course my helmet. I low sided, slid, with the bike on my right leg, hit a concrete median/traffic island, then I believe I flipped over the bike tearing off the right mirror and landing on top of the concrete island. I was on my feet instantly with a terrible pain in my chest, shoulder, and back. I tried to lift my bike up but realized immediately that I wouldn't be able to so I took off my gear and tried to stay upright and clear headed. A good Samaritan (Todd) whose house happened to be across the street from the accident and a bunch of bystanders stopped to see if I was alright. Todd got the bike up and over to his house. Todd asked if I needed anything and let me use some medical supplies and his bathroom. I patched my knee up which was bleeding pretty bad, took some ibuprofen and waited. I don't currently have health insurance, kicked in one week from the accident. Even though I was in a ton of pain I knew there was nothing life threatening so I declined several times to go to a hospital near where I was and waited for my sister to come get me. I managed to take pictures of the bike, myself and the accident. I talked to people on the phone to keep my mind working and from focusing on the pain while waiting for my ride. It ended up being three hours before I got to the hospital. The reason being because I only have financial assistance through the hospital near where I live. I was an hour away and I live with my sister who wasn't home when I called. Well once I got to the hospital I had xrays done on my left shoulder which I saw and orthopedic surgeon yesterday about. Grade III shoulder separation. My right knee got 5 stitches put in. Todd is keeping my bike at his place until this Sat when I go pick my bike up. The insurance adjuster will be checking my bike out Tuesday.

TL;DR? Separated AC, 5 stitches in right knee down to the bone. Torn jeans, destroyed left boot, scratches to helmet, various scratches and damage to bike including mirror broken off.

Sorry to hear, but glad you didn't come off any worse. I hope you have a speedy recovery and that the bike isn't too banged up. :(
So sorry to hear about the accident. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery. It is a good thing you had the right gear on.

Good luck on the repairs and I hope you get back on the bike soon!
sorry to hear of your drop, hope the assessor does a good job on the bike and most importantly, that you recover quickly
Get well soon dude. :rockon:
My first and only (so far) motocycle accident was in 1976 resulting in two broken legs, torn kidney, and DOA but I'm still here today still being a hoolingan at '59. There's still hope for you yet...:D
Hope you're back to 100% very soon! I'm so glad you weren't stranded in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sending positive thoughts to Todd too - it's all good karma and comes around when needed. :)
Any thoughts about your choice in footwear and pants next time you ride? Looks like you got pretty lucky, but it appears your injuries could have been prevented with the correct gear.

Heal up quick and thanks for sharing your experience. Trust me, we all learn from these kinds of threads, unfortunately at the expense of others.
Glad you are OK, and hope you heal fast:thumbup:
When I don't wear my leathers, I use my Cortech cargo pants with Bohn armor pants under those. Give them a looksee.
Glad you were not hurt any worse. I don't have leathers but do have some kevlar-lined Draggin' jeans that resist tearing in the knees and butt. Was also considering a pair of the Bohn armor pants to wear underneath.

Heal up, get the bike fixed, and use this as an opportunity to determine the how you ride and what you wear. Good luck.
Get better and get back on! The pictures remind me of my first wreck back in '06. A day after I finished my MSC, I locked up my front brake and had a lowside crash with my heavy Harley V-Rod on my left leg. Nearly broke my ankle and bad road rash on my knee, but I couldn't wait to get back on after everything was fixed.
At least you can be proud of how well you kept your head! Sounds like you stayed calm and didn't panic, which must have been hard given you were in pain.

Here's to a speedy recovery! Good luck with the insurance!
Man that sucks. sorry to see you had an accident and hope you recover quickly. You and the bike look like you will be ok.

If I could offer a couple suggestions on gear - 1. if you had been wearing kevlar lined jeans you may have less damage to your knee. 2. Same with boots - if proper motorcycle boots I doubt there would be a hole in them.

Good news seems your helmet is still perfect so you may not need a new one


Thanks everyone! I need to consider better lower body protection. My biggest problem is if it's not comfortable or I'm too hot it's less likely I'll wear it. Fortunately I had everything bit of protection I own on this time. It also wasn't hot that day too though.

Doctor says I should be able to ride in a couple weeks. Hopefully I'll have my bike fixed or another bike to ride by then.
If anyone would like to post links for certain gear they like I would appreciate it. I'm on a tight budget though so if somehting is expensive it won't matter how great it is because I can't afford it :/