Bent Rims....


Oct 26, 2008
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Well....after 5 years and 37,000 miles, I can't say I've ever had a more startling moment in my life.

So, as it goes - I'm hitting the back roads after work, its a beautiful summer day with perfectly clear conditions and no cars in sight. I approach one of my more favored series turns with, lets just say, a substantial amount of speed. It's an S curve which you can almost ride straight through, over the crest of a hill, with no driveways in sight. This S curve/hill apex is followed by a long downhill roller coaster style humps.

So I proceed through the S turn and can see straight through all the humps for the duration of the downhill. I see in the distance some leaves scattered through the street and honestly don't think much more about it (MISTAKE). As I'm traveling through the scattered leaves, I rode over something. This wasn't a PILE of leaves, it was scattered, I could see the road top mostly. Well underneath the leaves was something: a pothole, a 2x4, a tree branch, something solid like a cinder block?

I am not sure what it is frankly, but the impact was so forceful, that it superman'ed me in the air -- and I feel and hear a jolt as wheels CLUNK. I landed hard on my hind side on the seat, and somehow managed to instinctively keep the bike up and straight. I feel a hard wobble and out of fear of continuing, I ever so slowly applied brake and coasted to a stop.

I was by myself with no cars in sight, on a nice day, with perfect visibility for over a mile -- perfect conditions. I have never received a ticket, and only dropped her once at a very very slow speed in the rain. I don't squid my way to work and back every day -- I am a very conservative rider. I was however, hitting the roads hard at that moment -- something surely even the safest riders are guilty of on occasion; But, I don't want to deny my squid moment as I was most definitely traveling well over the speed limit.

So I wanted to share this as an example because I consider myself a reasonably safe rider -- that it isn't always other people, or an animal, or a bad line -- it can be a completely unforeseen circumstance in perfect conditions to even the best and safest riders. So I like to tell my lesson learned and I feel what I take from this most -- do not underestimate an obstruction. Whether its a painted line, a crab-apple, or a piece of paper lying in your path -- a pothole might lie under that piece of paper 3 feet deep. I certainly will not look at a handful of leaves scattered in the street the same ever again.

So I am happy I am alive, bike still standing -- with only the minimal damage inflicted. Not the best of days, but a lesson learned the hard way is better than a lesson learned the dead way. I'm still here to ponder this, which I am grateful for. Thanks for hearing my reflected thoughts. I hope somebody takes something from this.

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Damn, both wheels and friggin hard hit too. Kudo's for keeping it upright.

You had to go back and see what it was?? Had to be a pot hole...

I'd buy a lottery ticket, you'd win...:thumbup:
First of all, great that your skills and calmness allowed you to bring her to a safe stop. That's reflexes that come from lots of 'thoughtful' riding.

I hope the parts list doesn't grow as you dig deeper. Bad enough that you need new front, new rear, new shorts.
WOW!!! That sucks! Glad all is well other than parts! Good Job Keeping it upright!

Reminds me of the brown paper bag with a piece of fir inside the reduced the capacity of my oil pan by one quart! lol << Cage!
Geesh. What was it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reminds me of a warning that another forum member, Red Wasp, gave us riders about watching out for spray painted circles on a US Forest (paved) road. Boy, he wasn't kidding! There were very deep sinkholes inside the painted circles. Road hazards: one of the primary concerns for any motorcyclists! Maybe repair bent rims?? Thanks for the story.
Thanks guys -- keep an eye out for a pair of rims for me please. Bikebandit's priced em at $900 for the pair:eek:

Does anybody know if the rims from the 05 Fz6 are a good fit for the 08 S2 FZ6 (from this thread here on the forum)
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:thumbup:Well done to stay on the bike. I just keep trying to replay your incident in my mind and it seems pretty incredible to hit a pothole (assuming that's what it was) that hard to cause that much deflection in the wheels and not have had a serious mishap. Glad the tires held up. :thumbup:
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Go to the R6 forum too. those guys wreck more stuff than us, plus often times have spare track rims...

I have a bfh i can loan you! :spank::spank:
Go to the R6 forum too. those guys wreck more stuff than us, plus often times have spare track rims...

This statement is so true. I've lost track how many times I've wrecked my R6... and I even have a set of spare rims with rain tires on them (sorry, ChunkyGoat, but I need them)

Also, you might want to look into getting your wheels straightened. I know most people wont agree with this, but I've done it with great results (on both sets of R6 wheels I have).

Will's Rim Repair charges $90/wheel and finishes the repaired area. You won't know where the repair was. Will is in South Carolina. It costs me $35 to FedEx a set if wheels.
Wooh.... Scary thought hitting something that hard to bend all 4 rim edges :eek:

Question though: What were your tyre (translation: tire ;) ) pressures before you went out ?

I check mine every time I ride (pressures and for damage and debris), I'm 90 kg with all my gear on (ATGATT) and with a topbox so run at 36 psi front and 42 psi rear.

Regards Simon

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Thanks guys - found a good lead here on the forum. I'll check out the r6 forums and craigslist too. I hadn't checked my tire pressure within the last week or so but last check it was at 41 in the rear and i believe it was 34 or 35 up front.

I got a ride home from a buddy that night and checked the road out and there isn't a pothole anywhere near where the incident happened so its left a mystery to me at this point regarding what it was exactly.
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...Also, you might want to look into getting your wheels straightened. I know most people wont agree with this, but I've done it with great results (on both sets of R6 wheels I have).

Will's Rim Repair charges $90/wheel and finishes the repaired area. You won't know where the repair was. Will is in South Carolina. It costs me $35 to FedEx a set if wheels.


I have had a local source in SoCal fix my bent rims, but your pricing is even better. Don't hesitate to get them repaired, they will be fine.