Count the stupid


Sep 7, 2010
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RIP he died being what he loved...

....being incredibly stupid.

Ohh well. The positives of this situation.

-1 retard on the road

No other people were seriously injured by this moron.
RIP he died being what he loved...

....being incredibly stupid.

Ohh well. The positives of this situation.

-1 retard on the road

No other people were seriously injured by this moron.

....another positive...Darwin's been fed for the moment...
I've done stupid **** on my bike.

>100 mph in traffic wearing flip flops and a unstrapped helmet stupid? :spank:

This is sad but this guy had it coming riding like that especially with no motorcycle license. Also that is 22 year old squid behavior and this guy was almost 30.
if there's traffic we can assume the jeep wasn't going that fast, even then, no gear and flying 180ft!

I flew around 40ft with my crash, with an estimated impact speed of around 50mph, I can only imagine how fast you must need to go to fly 180ft.

edit: actually a rough calculation from google gives us ~105mph, a lot depends on launch angle though
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if there's traffic we can assume the jeep wasn't going that fast, even then, no gear and flying 180ft!

I flew around 40ft with my crash, with an estimated impact speed of around 50mph, I can only imagine how fast you must need to go to fly 180ft.

That doesn't say he flew 180' in the air, only that he ended up traveling 180' from the point of impact, he probably bounced and slid most of that distance. Still, pretty bad.
Probably got lucky that his helmet fell off. I'm sure if it kept him alive even for a few minutes longer it just would have lengthened his tremendous suffering.
Main reason I am against helmet works against the forces of Darwin, as noted before. :p

I do not wish ill-will on anyone, but, dang it, this guy got what he EARNED...
I would imagine the paramedics/fire/police who arrived on scene got quite an eyeful. To be pronounced dead at the scene there has to be some pretty specific injuries.....I'm sure he had most of them....and not alot of skin left either.
What a waste of a nice bike.
Stupid yes. The guy took on a ridiculous amount of risk. but most of you sound like insensitive tools. This guy had a family and friends. Imagine if you knew the guy? Would you be as callous? I think not. RIP stupid rider
Stupid yes. The guy took on a ridiculous amount of risk. but most of you sound like insensitive tools. This guy had a family and friends. Imagine if you knew the guy? Would you be as callous? I think not. RIP stupid rider

I was careful not to come off as a tool; unfortunate as it is (and it is) he worked very hard for the result.

It was not an accident, it was probably a long history of questionable decisions culminating in a crap-ass ending by anyone's measure.

But he DID choose amongst a limited number of outcomes. It was always his call.

That he has family is hardly a case for *extra* sympathy in his decision-making.

If anything, my heart hurts for the ones he didn't consider, and left behind.

They had no choice in the outcome, and they DO deserve sympathy...