I did 13krpm 1st time

I have still not had mine much over 8000rpm, definitely not over 11000rpm!

What are you guys doing, that you need to ring it's neck so hard?

The surge at 8000rpm put a smile on my face, every time!



I for one have a insatiable need for a adrenaline rush!
Last year up on Wind River Road in WA, had it in low and 2nd on the tale of 990RR and to keep it out of fuel chop zone for smooth corners it was @7 to 13K up most of the run. The BT016 Pro was all gooey and stinking of burned rubber when we pulled off. I was impressed with the tires grip pulling the nose up on the sidewall a few times. Really thought it should have come out, but it had grip when hot. Interestingly the engine temp didn't climb much at all from that. I'll say that's the longest hardest run and for sport vs SS, 4K vs 19K price tag, it was pretty damn funny! The Fiz is Sleeper! The underdog!

hint - days like that, its why I put more effort into getting the suspension right than making power, it has the power if you let it rev!
I have still not had mine much over 8000rpm, definitely not over 11000rpm!

What are you guys doing, that you need to ring it's neck so hard?

The surge at 8000rpm put a smile on my face, every time!



I never would have been up that high, but started to ride on occasions with a local group. Much more experienced riders then myself. A lot of the roads that we go on are pretty twisty, and after a couple of rides I realized that most of the riders were keeping their bikes in a gear or two, or three, lower then I was. They move out too. So, I worked with this approach last year and the engine breaking that you get going into corners is really nice when you are up around 8500K and then coming out of the corners you're just loaded up for bear, or at least to try and keep up with the next rider ahead.

I never would have thought to ride like this, but I like it. And boy is this bike a lot of fun.

As Joe says, "Monster Mode!" :D
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You talking about engine breaking is one of the main reasons why I keep the rpms so high when I'm going for "spirited" ride. It frees up just a little more stoping power (instead of using rear brakes) while keeping the rpms in the butter zone for blasting out of a corner. If I'm really going for it ill pop up when I'm slowing down letting my torso act like a air brake. It might not help much but it does help.
You talking about engine breaking is one of the main reasons why I keep the rpms so high when I'm going for "spirited" ride. It frees up just a little more stoping power (instead of using rear brakes) while keeping the rpms in the butter zone for blasting out of a corner. If I'm really going for it ill pop up when I'm slowing down letting my torso act like a air brake. It might not help much but it does help.

Dang, you guys do some very "spirited ridding".:rockon: I'll be doing more now that I'm getting all my mods in place.:thumbup:
I've had the back end fish tail around after a little hard acceleration coming off a wet roundabout and cresting a small raised area on the road.

Usually it's ok though.
I love this thread.... I'm gonna have to become more brave :D

Be wise about that!!! Smooth matters as does your position on the bike.
-> Up there a bit further someone mentioned mods being applied before riding harder. I beg to differ that the point is being missed. The bike in stock trim can deliver more than adequate performance. Unless these mods are to the suspension or brakes, I urge you to be very cautious. Having either end step out can be lead to the end so don't over-react in a bad situation or physics will have you on the ground!

I used to have line in my sig that went like this (from the days of racing stand up jet skis), friend said, "When you can successfully negotiate the corners at full throttle, now you can mod your engine!"
Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have her up in the 10k+zone regular, but for now I'm just getting to know her.:D
No engine mods for me, the bike is already way fast(red color), so more of comfort, setup, and looks.:cheer:
Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have her up in the 10k+zone regular, but for now I'm just getting to know her.:D
No engine mods for me, the bike is already way fast(red color), so more of comfort, setup, and looks.:cheer:

If you are skilled enough to use 100% of the power of the FZ6 engine mods are pointless...you need a bigger bike because you are a pro!

The fact of the matter is 99.9% of us cannot use 75% of the potential of this bike on a closed track and maybe only 50% on a public road so this quest for more power is futile!

Learning to ride properly means MUCH more than power modifications. If you want to modify the bike...invest in suspension and keeping good tires on the wheels.
I'm with Yasko on this one - thanks for your advice too 'Impact', that's exactly my thoughts...art the minute I'm just gauging corners and sorting my lines and smooth throttle, as per the cornering bible ;)

Only time I hit the powerband is on the straights, can't imagine ever needing more power....
If you are skilled enough to use 100% of the power of the FZ6 engine mods are pointless...you need a bigger bike because you are a pro!

The fact of the matter is 99.9% of us cannot use 75% of the potential of this bike on a closed track and maybe only 50% on a public road so this quest for more power is futile!

Learning to ride properly means MUCH more than power modifications. If you want to modify the bike...invest in suspension and keeping good tires on the wheels.

Amen to that!
Oh man, you have a poor imagination then..

Go take a liter bike for a test ride..:D

haha massive difference?

I've grown up with fast cars and kind of growing out of that - yet this bike is still quicker than my quickest car, with decent MPG.... that's where i was going with that :D
haha massive difference?

I've grown up with fast cars and kind of growing out of that - yet this bike is still quicker than my quickest car, with decent MPG.... that's where i was going with that :D

Yup. When a bike that is worth $3,500 will do 0-60 in the same time as a $100,000 supercar and gets 50+ mpg.

You can't argue that is efficient performance.
I've had a few straightaways and come near the red line, the bike is incredibly deceptive. you can be cruising at 5-6rpm's at 65mph on the highway making no noise whatsoever....

Then drop it two gears and punch it and you're over 100 in a split second and the bike is screaming!

I've hit a few straights and gone 120, but I don't make a habit of it....I don't want to be that rider.

I was riding home at 65mph yesterday, just cruising home, and a guy on a CBR started weaving in and out of traffic on the turnpike over 90+...guys like that give sport riders a bad name...
Saw one similar to that yesterday, on a bypass flying between the traffic wearing nothing but a hoody....which was flying up his back in the wind! Idiot...