Well folks, that's all she wrote for this FZ

i know you said not to do it and that you don't have an answer but i just have to...

how on earth can that happen ???
Well folks, that's all she wrote for this fz. Frame is split, don't ask how it happened cause I don't know, I could weld it up but I'm washing my hands of it....

Might pull the motor and tranny and make a badass go kart, don't know yet...View attachment 45883View attachment 45884

You might have luck with Yamaha like this guy did and funny enough the crack is in the exact same place as yours...

My 2006 Fz6 frame has snapped!!! Urgent advice needed. in FZ6 specific stuff Forum
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Too many wheelies? Man I really don't have a clue lol

Funny, I was going to ask exactly that before I scrolled down. Seriously, did you wheelie the thing quite a bit?

There was actually a bad batch of FZ1 frames out there, but they would all crack at the weld, so this is definitely different.

So yeah.. whatcha gettin?!
Well, yeah I kinda did wheelie a lot, that probably also explains my chain issues lol

But I have been looking into getting another bike anyways, and I think I've narrowed it down to either a FZ1 (of course) but if this other thing I have going works out it will be a ktm adventure 1190r but I'm not getting my hopes up on the ktm lol
She served you well and YOU saw it before bad stuff happened! Sorry for your loss all the same. . .
I'm out for while - keep us posted!
Sorry to hear that!

On one hand I specifically wanted FZ6 because it has an aluminum frame and thus is a bit lighter than some other bikes in this class.

One downside is that you won't have such problems with steel and if you do dare I say it's fixable.
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too bad about the frame, but i'm surprised no one's called dibs on the exhaust yet.
Bad news :(

Scrap her or sell to someone advising them of the crack, so they can fix.

Mike bought a 2nd hand ZX6 once - found the frame was cracked. Had her professionally fixed/welded but he never felt good on the bike. Sold it :(
I suspect the wheelies likely caused the extra stress, especially if brought up high and dropped hard.

If you were to weld the frame, IMHO, I'd beef up the area as its not designed for the apparent stress it gets with numerous wheelies and landings....
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You might have luck with Yamaha like this guy did and funny enough the crack is in the exact same place as yours...

My 2006 Fz6 frame has snapped!!! Urgent advice needed. in FZ6 specific stuff Forum

Indeed, you're not trying to blame it on 'bad aluminium blend' or something similar and persuade Yamaha to give you a new one? I would try it at least, from the guy on that forum:

Got a phone call today.

Bike is finished, and ready for collection.

All under warranty, and F.O.C!!!!!!!

Thanks to Yamaha Japan (who took the claim over from Yamaha UK, as evidently, I'm the first person in the world to snap an Fz6 frame just by riding hard, and they wanted the old frame back to run some tests on it!).


And since it's winter, you don't really care about missing your bike for a month, right?
Just cleaned out the mailbox lol, but I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do with the bike. I do know for a fact I'm not going to fix it by welding or buying another frame. Not going to weld because being a metallurgist, even though I know I could weld it and even bring it in to work and throw it in my vacuum furnace, it being ****ty cast aluminum it would still never be the same. View attachment 45894 and I'm not going to buy a frame because that would be more money and trouble thrown into a bike that just isn't worth it. I am going to go by Yamaha on Monday and see what they say though.

It Yamaha picks up the bill which I'm not sure they will in this case because there is some signs of a drop on that side where a car backed into the bike, I will for sure hang onto it. But if that doesn't go through, which I'm not getting my hopes up, I would really like to keep the drivetrain for a shifter kart, I've always wanted to build one, but everything else, exhaust included will be parted out. I'm going to put a feeler out and see what I can get for it as is though.