Plugs and sockets


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Oct 14, 2010
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Mid Wales
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Plugs and Sockets

So- you may have seen my plaintive laments about my ECU and corroded pins.

All is well now and bike back on the road but I think this winter I might take apart each plug and socket and treat them with...... And there is the question - what is good to spray or coat the plugs and sockets on the wiring loom to prevent premature corrosion?

Any ideas of what is available (In UK ) or would WD40 dop the trick?
Plugs and Sockets

Any ideas of what is available (In UK ) or would WD40 dop the trick?

No, WD won't stop anything in progress.

Using some dielectric grease should work. Use it all the time on spark plug wires.

Same applies here, this material won't stop anything in progress.

Honestly, good old soap and water is pretty good if something is growing. Clean and dry it. THEN apply the grease!

However, I'm certain there are some cleaners just for this. IMO contact cleaner won't touch growth items or sugars but works well on dry things and dust (contacts). If the growth has grease in it, WD may cut some of that AND then use soap and water, followed by dia grease.
In addition to what Randy posted, I've seen contact cleaner can be very aggressive on plastic (and damage it)...

If you can get it clean, soap and water, some air (air cpmpressor to get it totally dry) maybe some silicone spray if need be, then the dilectric grease.

Once its cleaned AND greased, you won't have any more issues with that particular connector...