Flipped the bike..........


Junior Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Farmville, Va
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updates 07-20-2012

Hopped on the bike to run to the post office just across town (3.5 miles). I stopped at a stop sign turn signal, looked left then right and proceeded. Before straightening up from the turn i lost traction on what i was later told was oil in the road. The bike got squirrley and my body got thrown out of position. I when to cover the front break and the bike kicked again and i missed and grabbed the throttle. the bike picked up and went side ways. I hit the ground and slid 10 or 15 feet through my oil. The bike flipped upside down and and stood perfectly on its FZ1 handlebars, Rizoma mirrors, speedometer, and a once beautiful Yamaha seat cover. I got up and pushed the bike over and wheeled it off the road. and then the pain hit me. The ambulance arrived and cleaned me up a bit. i was so upset i wouldn't leave on the ambulance with out the bike. I signed my waver and they left (stupid). I got a ride home from a friend and took some meds and iced up. My mother can over (RN of 20 years) and checked my swollen ankle, hand, road rash. My girl friend (RN this year) made me go the hospital. No broken bones just bad road rash, smashed/sprained ankle, sprained wrist, bruised hip, soar all over and broken heart/pride.










please ride safe and wear your gear. This was 10-15mph.



Started to tear the bike down and ran into a problem.
took off the handle bars, speedo, headlight and assembly, rear, tank and then the !@#$% stator cover!!!!!!!!

notice the copper tabs exposed

another angle

scratched cylinder guessing from the stator hitting it

the end of my day slicing my thumb open, i couldnt get the bolt and i just dont have my strength back yet. and the with the meds i didnt know i was bleeding until i noticed the blood in the cover. i should have gave it another day.

so is the stator ruined or is it no big deal, and whats the verdict on the cylinder thingy. just need to know if they are going to need to be replaced.
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FZ1 handlebars
Right hand controls (came in 07-20-2012)
Stator Cover and gasket
Left foot rest

rear handle bar/frame thingy

SV2 shield got covered thank to an awesome member here!!!!!!!!!
Gas tank

Help With:

-Givi crash bars???? can you get it and then add slider as well?
-What is the best way to safely start the bike once the cover is replaced and oil added?
-How do i check the gas tank for safety?
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Oil is a real pain, there isn't much you can do apart from not grab the throttle Oops. Heal up soon.
If the speedo is still working you can run it until you find a new one.

:( so sorry

Your bike can be fixed or replaced. Luckily, this time, you can be fixed too.

Be careful out there and LEARN from this - whether it was your fault or not. You can ALWAYS take something away from it.
FZ1 handlebars
Right hand controls
Stator Cover and gasket
Left foot rest

rear handle bar/frame thingy

SV2 shield
Gas tank

Help With:

-Givi crash bars???? can you get it and then add slider as well?
-What is the best way to safely start the bike once the cover is replaced and oil added?
-How do i check the gas tank for safety?

Glad your not hurt too bad and didn't get run over...

As for starting the bike, the tip over switch likely killed the motor pretty quick. Its likely ok to start normally once the stator cover's been replaced BUT, if you want to make sure, pull the spark plugs, GROUND THEM (on the valve cover) and crank the motor off and on for a minute or so. This is just in case ANY ENGINE oil got into the upper cylinders, to prevent hydraulic lock and further damage...

As for the gas tank, looking a the damage you sustained, it should be rideable. Look for any leakage (especially under the tank where the pump bolts up, there's a rubber ring gasket), top off with a gas can (at home), cold engine, and again check for leaks. The fuel pump should be ok, its pretty safe in the middle of the tank. It takes alot to get the FZ tank to leak.

Get better!!!:thumbup:

PS, save the guts to the RH switch as the kill switch is a weak point and you may be able to later re-use the separate switch..
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Sorry to hear about the spill( yours particularly... And the friggin patch on the road)
Get well soon

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Sorry bout the spelling
Oil is a real pain, there isn't much you can do apart from not grab the throttle Oops. Heal up soon.
If the speedo is still working you can run it until you find a new one.


seems to be working fine thing i may be able to super glue it back together for the time being.
I'll definitely look into the spark plug idea, ill look for a DIY.

Any one think its possible to get that larger dent out a bit? think i could get one of those leather covers they have for $100+ and wait for a good deal on a new tank.

Can the tank be bondoed/fiber glassed and panted? is that not something you do to a bike, or is it just the same price wise to but a new one?
Wow..glad you and the bike are mostly ok and can both be fixed. Gotta always remember, if you walked away alive, could have always been worse.

A month or so ago I almost went down due to a patch of oil while I was taking a turn at about 45mph. Lost the rear and immediately rolled off the throttle and countersteered and somehow kept the bike upright. Was scary and a very sobering moment.
Wow..glad you and the bike are mostly ok and can both be fixed. Gotta always remember, if you walked away alive, could have always been worse.

A month or so ago I almost went down due to a patch of oil while I was taking a turn at about 45mph. Lost the rear and immediately rolled off the throttle and countersteered and somehow kept the bike upright. Was scary and a very sobering moment.

Speaking of sober, one benefit of being forced to go to the doctor was the MEDS. they really make things alot easier no if i could just get some solid sleep
do you have insurance, did the police come and give you an accident report? If you do have insurance and did not file report yet I would call 911 and tell them someone hit your parked bike and ran off. This way, the insurance company can't hold it against you.
do you have insurance, did the police come and give you an accident report? If you do have insurance and did not file report yet I would call 911 and tell them someone hit your parked bike and ran off. This way, the insurance company can't hold it against you.

They can when they read this.....:spank::(:rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you heal up soon.

I would think your insurance should cover most of the costs. Or they might just total the bike. Maybe you can get your settlement check, buy your now totaled bike for a song and fix it back up?