Earplugs/Headphones with Helmets

Very easy, took me only a few minutes and they are comfortable and stay put. Think it's the same material dentists use for an impression.

Missed your post before. These do look pretty tempting, price is not bad either.

Since they are molds of your ears I assume they dont move much at all?
Missed your post before. These do look pretty tempting, price is not bad either.

Since they are molds of your ears I assume they dont move much at all?

True, they don't move and the best part is no other person can borrow them as they will only fit your ears.;)
As mentioned above, pull out a little on the straps or edge of the helmet so that it doesn't drag across your ears.

I use an HJC IS-16 helmet and have no issues with my earbuds. I think I spent $15 at Walmart on them. They are noise-cancelling and angled to fit closer into your ear. Been riding with them for two months and they've been great.

Hope that helps
Scorpion helmets fit me really tight. I could never wear ear buds under them. My Shoie fits me much better and is a more "round" fit. Earbuds fit under my Shoie really well. I have no discomfort on long rides and they stay perfectly in place.

For noise blocking I use Comply Foam tips. They replace the stock end of your ear bud with ear plug style foam. You roll them up as you would an ear plug and put them in your ear. The foam aroudn the ear bud expands and seals your ear. Keeps the wind noise out, music in, and the earbud in place :thumbup:
Thanks for the help.

Still couldn't get earbuds to fit comfortably so sticking with just earplugs.

I guess it's time to look for a new helmet? lol
I use these earplugs, I squeeze them down, suck them and stick them in my ears just like the GP guys do. They expand to fit, don't stick out and they really muffle the sound, it is no louder than the on-camera sound you see on the racing on TV.

I wash them with dish washing liquid and let them soak for a couple of days, good as new.

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I have finally found my solution to ear plugs and noise while riding. I **** you not when I ride now 80 Mph sounds like im in my mothers Audi A8 going 80. That is no exaggeration.

Just for reference purposes I started with a stock FZ6 and a snowmobile helmet. I quickly upgraded a a SHoei helmet and lager windhsield. This helped a lot with noise but was not the answer. I tried some good sets of earplugs and ear buds. On a hunch I purchased a pair of Etymotic ER6 earbuds. All I can say is wow. They stay in completely and block out almost all noise. If I want to I can listed to talk radio or music at a low volume and hear everything. These earbuds go deep in the ear and set very firm.

Part of the trick is how you put them on. What I do is put them in like normal and then put my helmet on. Then before buckling my helmet I raise it up a little so I can set the earbuds better while my helmet is on. Then just simply buckle helmet.

These earbuds have made my long trips so much better. Noise is absolutely not a factor any more.

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I have finally found my solution to ear plugs and noise while riding. I **** you not when I ride now 80 Mph sounds like im in my mothers Audi A8 going 80. That is no exaggeration.

Just for reference purposes I started with a stock FZ6 and a snowmobile helmet. I quickly upgraded a a SHoei helmet and lager windhsield. This helped a lot with noise but was not the answer. I tried some good sets of earplugs and ear buds. On a hunch I purchased a pair of Etymotic ER6 earbuds. All I can say is wow. They stay in completely and block out almost all noise. If I want to I can listed to talk radio or music at a low volume and hear everything. These earbuds go deep in the ear and set very firm.

Part of the trick is how you put them on. What I do is put them in like normal and then put my helmet on. Then before buckling my helmet I raise it up a little so I can set the earbuds better while my helmet is on. Then just simply buckle helmet.

These earbuds have made my long trips so much better. Noise is absolutely not a factor any more.

How much were they and where did you get them from? I've been strongly considering getting a pair, but the cheapest ones I've found were $60.
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moldex makes really nice ear plugs, but done go cheap and buy on ebay.. i picked up my last box for $40 usd / 200 pair... worth every penny!!!
exo-1100 here i use skull candy earphones they come out sometimes i just take the helmet off replace them and try again. love music when i ride since its 45 minutes each way >< everyday
If you really want earplugs whilst riding, I can recommend wax one's, Boots do some called 'Mufflers', it's a length of wax, you roll it around between fingers for a few seconds to soften it, then mould it in your ear, great for cutting the Mrs's snoring out too!
I use skull candy earbuds. They arent too expensive and have pretty good sound. they also come with different size heads to fit in your ear just right. I have a 35 minute commute to work so i almost never ride without music