Do you listen to music while you ride?

Do you listen to music while you ride

  • Almost always

    Votes: 80 39.0%
  • Only if traffic is low

    Votes: 10 4.9%
  • Only if I am riding for a while

    Votes: 57 27.8%
  • Never

    Votes: 62 30.2%

  • Total voters
We have Sena SMH-10 - fantastic. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I chat to my hubby. What I don't do is take phone calls while I'm on the bike. Mike does, but I don't like doing that.

I just answered a phone call for the first time yesterday and it made me realize how much of my attention I give to riding. It was hard to juggle both things and I didn't like it too much, I think I'll still try to pull over.

I listen to music often. I have a set of ear buds and some foam earplugs with a hole thru the middle, and they work quite well.
Yes mainly when on longer rides and not around town riding. I have a Zune with 700 CD loaded on it. Sweet I just put it on random play and away I go. :rockon:
"Only if I'm riding for a while" is the only one that kinda fits my music listening habits. "almost always" isn't even close and traffic doesn't have anything to do with it either though I do turn the volume down a bit in town. I use a bottom shelf bluetooth/intercom setup that lets me pair phone and ipod at the same time so that I can listen to music and it pauses for (rare) phone calls. My bud has the same one and we BS while riding together.
These things were $60 for the pair ($45 each if bought separately) they allow 3 units to be linked and have about 200yd range.
500m helmet bluetooth BIM bluetooth interphone products, buy 500m helmet bluetooth BIM bluetooth interphone products from

For 5.5X the price :eek: (4 of the cheap ones will set you back $120) you can get 4 of these and all 4 of you can talk......
Cardo G4 PowerSet Intercom Kit (2 Complete Units)

Could you post some pics of them attached to your helmets so I have an idea of what to expect before I decide to buy them?
I don't currently on my FZ6, but do want to be able to listen to IPhone and maybe take calls if I'm on a longer ride/trip. I always have the radio on when riding the Kawi Voyager XII (ancient style, I know), but that's a four speaker system, not ear buds. For a certain distance and time, no distractions other than road, exhaust, and wind is just right. For a longer trip or commute, I prefer some background music or talk. I don't find it distracting, and rely on awareness rather than hearing something.
I do often. Have some nice foam style noise canceling earbuds. I can't understand what people are saying to me, but I can hear the bike engine still, and traffic, to an extent. Helps me keep the head from getting foggy on long rides due to the wind noise and boringness.
How is the sound quality with music on that set? I may pick one up cant beat it for 60 bucks.

Voice is great, music definitely "tinny". I was thinking of picking up some skull candy ink'd mic'd and trying that with it instead of the boom and speakers.

Honestly though, still worth it for me. I can hear the music still at highway speed with my scorpion cans.

Someday I may upgrade, but for now the units have proven their worth.


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I do on longer riders. Especially highway. I use a cheap pair of skullcandy headphones. I don't like how they jack the bass up but for 20$ they sound pretty good and at that price I consider them "disposable".

I use them with Comply Foam Tips

You stick them on the end of your earbud and they allow you to roll the foam, just like you would do with an earplug. When you insert them they block the noise and hold it comfortable in place. I have found that they reduce ambient noise for me, allowing me to turn the actual music volume down to a reasonable level. They also hold the earbud in place while I pull my helmet on. No more struggling to get the helmet "just right" so I don't knock an earbud out.
I almost always listen to music. I used to listen to the buds that came with the iPhone, but I had to crank it up to hear over wind noise and I knew that couldn't be good for my hearing so now I use some cheap earphones from Best Buy with a big rubber piece that goes inside the ear and does a surprisingly good job of blocking out wind noise.
I know it makes it so you cant feel your surroundings but for a couple hours or even more, i need to have something extra to entertain my mind so i dont spot something shiny in the distance, get distracted, and lay the bike down. I get distracted easily if its for a long period of time.
I don't listen to music whilst riding as I find it needs to be at a really high volume to be heard.
I have always been conscious of the potential damage wind noise can do to the old ears. Listening to music is increasing the risk. Always were ear protection.
Happy haearing


Even with earbuds and music playing while riding I hear more around me than in my truck with the stereo going. I used to do the MP3 player but now just use my phone and either Pandora or Slacker Radio. Almost commercial free and you can listen to anything you want. On short rides I just listen to the wind and the fart pipe on my Beemer. Yesterday I heard the fire truck before it was in view, at least it was going the other way (with earbuds and music going).
I use ear buds that fit in the ear like earplugs and a my-pod with 2 days of different music on shuffle so I never get bored with the music or gets repeats

i guess I should concentrate on the bike riding and the enjoyment- I do that anyway and you have the radio on in your car when you drive dont you?
I find music keeps me engaged in riding. I have skullcandy ear buds and really like them. I actually feel it helps me hear traffic and such better. The buds block a lot of wind noise.
After almost 2 years of riding I just started to listed to music. I dont do it all the time, but its pretty cool and makes the ride to work nicer.