New member welcome thread..

Hiya Jake.did the same 12months ago and I am so pleased with decision. I havnt checked on my pc yet only via the phone......did you post any pics? Is it a nkd?
Ride safe and welcome to the best forum

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
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Hello to every new member of this great forum.I warn you,be ready to loose a big amoun of your cash,this place has some awesome mods you definitely will want to add to your beauty.Always have your camera ready 'cause :needpics:
Ty! This place is so nice and the people are super friendly, much unlike the car crowd

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
Hello and a question

Hi all,

I'm Richard, 40, living in Alexandria, VA just outside of Washington, DC. So it looks like I'm about to join the club; I put a down payment on a mint condition blue 2006 FZ6 with only 1050 miles on it. If all goes as planned, it's coming home at the end of this month!

This is going to be my very first motorcycle :eek:

I know that a smaller-engined bike would probably have been more appropriate for a rank beginner such as myself, but I've read that the FZ6 is still pretty tame as long as the RPMs are kept low, and me being the cautious near-middle-ager that I am instead of the invincible teenage idiot that I used to be, I think I have a handle (maturity wise, at least) on keeping that throttle hand in check.

Fear not as I am taking the MSF class in March, and I have no plans to sneak a ride on the bike before taking that class. Still, as a beginner who is very much interested in not accidentally launching himself at lightspeed into a playground full of kids or an oncoming truck with razor wire attached to its grill, I have a question for you of the FZ6 Forum community.

I am aware that in the UK new riders under the age of 21 are limited to motorcycles with 33bhp or lower. The bike could be one that's intrinsically designed to run at or below that limit, a Kawasaki Ninja 250r for example, or it could be a bike that would normally exceed that limit but has been modified so that it cannot. From what I have been reading, such a modification is available for the FZ6 in the form of an easy-to-install (and just as easy to uninstall) restictor kit.

And so the question is this - is such a restrictor kit available here in the US? I would like to install it on my bike so that I can focus on learning to ride without the added distraction of keeping the throttle in check so as not to accidentally wheelie into a swimming pool. And then once I have a handle on riding confidentally and safely, I could uninstall the restrictor kit and enjoy the newfound power that's at my disposal; no need to get an upgrade bike!

Anyway, sorry for the longer-than-intended hello :D Thanks in advance!

Re: Hello and a question

Hi all, such a restrictor kit available here in the US? I would like to install it on my bike so that I can focus on learning to ride without the added distraction of keeping the throttle in check so as not to accidentally wheelie into a swimming pool. And then once I have a handle on riding confidentally and safely, I could uninstall the restrictor kit and enjoy the newfound power that's at my disposal; no need to get an upgrade bike!

Hey Richard…welcome! I really don’t know what those restrictors accomplish. A rider who lacks self control can probably find a way to get in a lot of trouble with or without it. It doesn’t sound from your post like you’re in that boat. Bringing my son along, I was more interested in seeing him get acclimated to riding on something lighter and more maneuverable to get a good feel for technique (the ones taught in the MSF). While in his case that was a 280 pound dual sport, the FZ6 isn’t a big bruiser and, in hindsight, probably would have been fine. But the early going, post-MSF, was practicing technique…not diving into the fast, curvy roads trying to keep up with experienced riders. Good luck!
Re: Hello and a question

Hi all,

This is going to be my very first motorcycle :eek:

And so the question is this - is such a restrictor kit available here in the US? I would like to install it on my bike so that I can focus on learning to ride without the added distraction of keeping the throttle in check so as not to accidentally wheelie into a swimming pool. And then once I have a handle on riding confidentally and safely, I could uninstall the restrictor kit and enjoy the newfound power that's at my disposal; no need to get an upgrade bike!

Anyway, sorry for the longer-than-intended hello :D Thanks in advance!


Hey Richard…welcome! I really don’t know what those restrictors accomplish. A rider who lacks self control can probably find a way to get in a lot of trouble with or without it. It doesn’t sound from your post like you’re in that boat.

:welcome: to our family :D

As said above, the best way to ride safe is to keep yourself in control when you're getting used to the bike.
But, if you really want to get the bike restricted for some time, get ready to spend a bit of money :eek:
You can find the appropriate restrictor kit here. It does cost $ 160 (incl. shipping) though :(...


Hi all

24 years after I sold my last bike, I went out this week and bought a 2008 fz6s. Picked it up this morning but it's been raining all day, so it's sitting in the garage waiting for the sun to shine.

Photo on my profile.



Hi all
24 years after I sold my last bike, I went out this week and bought a 2008 fz6s. Picked it up this morning but it's been raining all day, so it's sitting in the garage waiting for the sun to shine.

Good on you, man…back in the saddle! :thumbup:

Hi all,

My name is Will and I am a noob. There I said it. I'm 27 (probably on the older side for being a noob), I live in Florida and I am a grad school student. The Yamaha FZ6 is my first bike. I've wanted one ever since I got back from living in south america, but I've only recently gotten the money together to get one.

My first experience riding was when I lived in Peru in '09. I randomly met this motorhead at the hostel I worked at. He offered to teach me how to ride for about $20 per two hour session. I learned on a Honda dual sport from the mid nineties in the desert and on dirt roads in the industrial area of the town I was in. He only spoke spanish, and my spanish was limited at the time. The clutch didn't work well, the foot brake had been removed, the gears were sticky and I almost died several times. Needless to say I loved it. I take my bike out now every day. It's the most addictive thing I've ever tried.

hello all, been drifting in and out of this site for a while and seem to spend more time on it lately so i better introduce myself.

name's John, 33 years young, i'm from ireland. been bikin' for about 7 years and got my 2006 FZ6 a year and a half ago. tis great for the twisty roads which to be honest are pretty much everywhere here :thumbup:

I went into a bike shop the other day in edinburgh to get some chain lube and ended up coming out with some new soft panniers, a waterproof gps holder and a charger adapter (cig socket for car gps). 30% sale
so hoping to get on the road for a couple of weeks in march. ferry to england then france and not sure where after there, hopefully north spain

here's the panniers. seem to fit pretty well. i havent loaded them yet though.
not bad for £50
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Hey guys, I've been posting for a little while, but I've never actually introduced myself on this forum.

My name is Paul and I currently reside in Missouri. I'm finishing up my last semester of school at the Missouri University of Science in Technology in Rolla, MO and will have a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am going to work for Cargill this summer in Louisiana as a project management engineer.

My riding experience pales in comparison to the most of you. I started in September 2009 when I traded my old Bronco II for a 1981 Yamaha XS650 Special II with 2900 miles on it. (The thing still had the original front tire!) The following March I purchased my 2006 FZ6 with 17,000 miles on it. I then sold the XS, and became a true FZ lover. Over the course of 2 years I put 13,000 more miles on the FZ, then in January of 2012, a car pulled out in front of me and ruined my quest on that bike for 100,000 miles. 3 Weeks later I purchased a 2009 FZ6 with the insurance money from the first bike. I have now owned that one week, and have put over 200 miles on it. (Pretty good considering it sat for 3 days due to snow.) So now the 100,000 mile quest begins again, this time from a starting point of 6000 miles. :rockon:

So that's a little about myself. Hope to make some friends on here!
Hey Yall my name is Mike,

About a month ago i purchased a 2009 Yamaha FZ6 and it has since had a 15T and 48T sprocket change, scorpion undertail, HID's put on it, I LOVED the bike, about two nights ago my best friend and i switched bikes, he never called me back that night... come to find out he had wrecked it badly. ran into the rear of a Jeep. :(

I plan to have another one here in less than a year. I dont think ill like any other bike as much as this one..

Very Satisfied but temporarily sad owner.
Re: Hello and a question

Guess I'll say hi here as I've been posting a bit but nothin that interesting.

Name's Nick, 26 and in school still (I took a....nontraditional path in life, let's say) to teach biology, found the forums a few months ago after I wrecked my fz6 and was looking at naked conversions. Been riding 5 years or so now...**** maybe 6, I dunno.

From KY, just south of Cincy, and always looking for level-headed people to ride with. I normally ride alone around here. :shakehead:

I probably wouldn't fit right in...I'm only a MTGATT but secretly I think some of the ATGATT people are too :p. That said I gear up and ride defensively. Try to not act like a dong in town or when anyone is around, and stick to the pace for the KY country roads. I'm a minority in Cincinnati.

Anywho just saw this thread pop up, and also wanted to comment on this:

Hey Richard…welcome! I really don’t know what those restrictors accomplish. A rider who lacks self control can probably find a way to get in a lot of trouble with or without it. It doesn’t sound from your post like you’re in that boat. Bringing my son along, I was more interested in seeing him get acclimated to riding on something lighter and more maneuverable to get a good feel for technique (the ones taught in the MSF). While in his case that was a 280 pound dual sport, the FZ6 isn’t a big bruiser and, in hindsight, probably would have been fine. But the early going, post-MSF, was practicing technique…not diving into the fast, curvy roads trying to keep up with experienced riders. Good luck!

While you can learn to ride on a FZ6 (I did, it was my first bike), I don't think I'd recommend it to someone. They're great bikes and tame enough at low speed, but something with less power and a bit less weight in the 250-500 range would have made it much easier to hone my riding skills. It took me years to feel comfortable on the FZ, and my sister had one that she never was comfortable on. It's been swapped out for a Ninja 250, and she's much more cool on the bike.

Likewise, I love the little 250. Small mistakes on the brakes, throttle, or clutch etc. on the 250 are no problem. It just smacks your hand and tells you NO! Small mistakes on my FZ6 are why the covers and signals are scratched and the levers are bent, it was much more prone to bite me in the ass.

Again, it's completely possible to learn on a fz6 and become a competent rider. I just feel like it's much easier to learn with a smaller bike that doesn't punish newbie mistakes as harshly.

Also, for a while I was able to hold more corner speed on the 250 the first few times riding it. I'm catching up to it on the FZ6 with a new set of tires now.
My name is Steven Perry. I reside in little ol Spokane Wa with my 2007 FZ6. I currently work at a local Sears store selling tools while I wait to go back to school for Mechanical Engineering. I hope to get ideas for mods for my bike and keep it all AFFORDABLE!!!!!! :BLAA:
Names Sam, i run a smart car garage in bonnie Scotland and just picked up my 55 plate fz6 today

drove it back and feels much better on all the bikes i have owned (near 27 now) more than likely looking to mod and buy some aftermarket parts:cheer:
I'm Jared from Kentucky. I just bought a 2009 FZ6 yesterday. I haven't even gotten to ride it yet!! The dealership accidentally kept my keys so they're mailing them to me ( I purchased at a dealer 100 miles away ). To make matters worse it's a 3-day HOLIDAY WEEKEND!
My first bike over 10 years ago was a Katana 600...then I got a Katana 750 for awhile. The bike I traded for this FZ6 was a C50 Boulevard cruiser. Great bike...I just needed something sportier. I went to the dealership to trade thinking I was coming home with a Katana, but when I rode the FZ6 OMG! Easily 5 times the bike the Katana was. Don't get me wrong....I'm not hatin' on Katanas. But this FZ6 just felt more like an extension of me rather than riding on something. I sit awaiting my keys and some nice weather.
Oh... and it came with Two Brothers exhaust on it...sounds niiiiiiiiiice.