i need more pick me up!

I think I understand what you mean. You know the bike goes fast but it's the hole-shot and mid-range you are having issues with... not enough speed when you crack the throttle. You can remedy this with the sprocket changes mentioned but you can also change your style and achieve a great deal. The FZ6 is a high-RPM bike and operates optimally in the over-7k RPM range. What you need to do is start working on running the bike in lower gears and higher RPMs. Get used to the way the bike responds with gentle clutching at the 7k RPM and higher range. Work in lower gears and don't shift too early and reduce your RPMs when you're looking for that extra oomph in the low to mid-range. I will caution you to work up to this, not go out and try it immediately as the FZ6 can react adversely should you dump the clutch in high RPMs. That wheelie you were thinking about would be an unfortunate reality.

Practice in first and second... Practice where this isn't any traffic like a wide open parking lot at an abandoned store/business. Work on these fast starts and rolling high-rpm break-aways. Once you develop some muscle memory, start using it with your friends.

Just be careful trying to "keep up with the Jones's" if you know what I mean. I think if you work on this, and still find you need more, you're likely on the wrong bike and should be looking at a bike with more low/mid range and torque like a V-Twin, aka, SV650, Buell, Ducati, etc.... The in-line 4 of the FZ6 isn't known for low end, mid-range and torque. It's a Sport/tourer for a reason and to get the Sport out of this ride, you need to learn to operate in the RPM range that occupies what you desire.

Hope I've helped.
Hope I've helped.

thanks, that was very helpful.. i did get my bike for a reason.. i love it! but we recently went to bike week which was about a two hour drive.. i think i found myself jealous of my friends and the speed they got at the get go.. i should be find.. before that trip i never really thought about it.. thanks again..

and if anyone has any cool mods they could tell me about that would be great!:thumbup:
Have you tried dropping it a couple of gears and then rolling the throttle? That will get your RPMs up above 7k and you'll be plenty fast.

Take it easy out there, this isn't a game.
thanks, that was very helpful.. i did get my bike for a reason.. i love it! but we recently went to bike week which was about a two hour drive.. i think i found myself jealous of my friends and the speed they got at the get go.. i should be find.. before that trip i never really thought about it.. thanks again..

and if anyone has any cool mods they could tell me about that would be great!:thumbup:

I'll double on what has been said the FZ6 should have no issue keeping up with 2 out of the 3 bikes you mentioned. You might just need to adjust your riding style. I ride with an '08 CBR600 all the time and have no problem keeping up with or blowing by at my leisure. Matter of fact from a stop in a race I was able to pull 10 bike lengths on him through about 80mph and hold that 10 till 140mph now past that he was coming fast but who cares at that point he was smoked in 1/8, 1/4 even 1/2 mile. It's 90% rider, 10% bike. Ijust dropped a tooth on my front and will say I really liked it. Felt like it made the power a lot more useable up to 100 and deff. accels harder. Of course getting rid of the cat and opening up the airbox helped my bike a lot in the upper range as well.
Of course getting rid of the cat and opening up the airbox helped my bike a lot in the upper range as well.

i don't mean to sound stupid.. i know how to do the air box mod.. how do i get rid of the cat? i changed my pipe but i don't know if that did it.. my bf's fz1 had two of them.. we cut one out and the other one was in his old pipe.. but i didn't think i'd be able to get to mine..

thanks again for the input..
ah, a baltimore / glen burnie crowd around here eh? yeah, rosedale did indeed go to hell. my girlfriend is moving out of there at my request just for her safety. i'm here in annapolis if you want to bring the black 08 down sometime, and i can show you how much cooler my blue one is ;-).
I have a FREE mod that will work perfectly. Keep it in the meat of the power band. A -1 is great but you can do pretty much the same thing with a downshift. To solve the mid range issue keep her between 7500 and 10000 rpm and run her up to 13000 before you shift. If you ride canyons with more and tighter twisties the -1 will give you a narrower gearbox range to stay in the meat easier. For more mid-range torque an exhuast, PCIII and a custom dyno tune will give you much more punch. The key to that mod is the custom dyno tune, the stock PCIII maps will not cut it. Finally work on your cornering speeds and getting on the gas soon after you apex. A little 250 in the powerband, getting on the gas soon will beat larger bikes every time. Its all about the exit corner speed.
ah, a baltimore / glen burnie crowd around here eh? yeah, rosedale did indeed go to hell. my girlfriend is moving out of there at my request just for her safety. i'm here in annapolis if you want to bring the black 08 down sometime, and i can show you how much cooler my blue one is ;-).

dude, i think not.. black goes with everything.. with the blue ur limited.. lol does ur gf have a bike? we're always up for a ride.. esp.. on sundays..
i was in the same boat my friends all had faster bikes, if you do the -1 +2 mod it will defantly help. but you also need a spedo healer or your mph will be off. a word of advice i would try to keep up with all of my crazy friend too and i ended up loseing my linces and going to jail!!! so think about if its realy worth it.
i was in the same boat my friends all had faster bikes, if you do the -1 +2 mod it will defantly help. but you also need a spedo healer or your mph will be off. a word of advice i would try to keep up with all of my crazy friend too and i ended up loseing my linces and going to jail!!! so think about if its realy worth it.

no worries.. i'm older and wiser with more life experience than all my biker buddies.. plus i'm a single mom of two little boys.. so safety always comes first.. i want to modify it not so i can do it but just knowing i could if i wanted too.. thanks i'm thinking about the -1/+2 MOD..
I like the 2009 VMAX idea. I never seen anything move so fast as a new VMAX.

but on a serious note changing the gearing is prob the best option for the accelartion that you want.

Other than that it is all about rider skill. I have put R6's to shame on my FZ6 with only rider skill, it deffo pays off!
I like the 2009 VMAX idea. I never seen anything move so fast as a new VMAX.

but on a serious note changing the gearing is prob the best option for the accelartion that you want.

Other than that it is all about rider skill. I have put R6's to shame on my FZ6 with only rider skill, it deffo pays off!

Do you really expect a response? The thread went cold in Sept 2008....