Scala G4 Bummer


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Branford, CT
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I got the Scala G4 PowerSet so I could whisper sweetness into my wife's ear while riding, only to find it won't pair with my nuvi 750 gps. The guy at Cardo says I need the zumo series to pair with the Scala.

Any ideas for a workaround? I really don't want to drop $600 for a zumo.

Well thats lame, i assumed any blue tooth device would pair.

Agreed. And, in response to my request that they be more upfront about its limitations, the tech guy said he was supportive and hears that a lot, but that their marketing people refuse to list any of the product's limitations.

I don't mind spending what I need to spend, but this smells like a setup.

Agreed. And, in response to my request that they be more upfront about its limitations, the tech guy said he was supportive and hears that a lot, but that their marketing people refuse to list any of the product's limitations.

I don't mind spending what I need to spend, but this smells like a setup.


I wonder if a blue tooth chatter box has the same limitations, or even the Sena SMH that is always advertised on here.
Another reason I went with Autocom from Keith Goudelock at Tulsa Truck Center. He is a guru with this sort of stuff and has tried it all. Not to mention he actually has a EE degree and 20+ yrs of experience in making this stuff work. He can customize any of this to work silky smooth. I am running a very inexpensive Garmin Nuvi 765 in a medium Aquabox. It pairs beautifully with my iPhone and is hardwired into the Autocom Logic. Yeah I am cabled to the Autocom, but the sound is crystal clear and the Autocom has really great VOX capabilities even when runnning the two-way radios.
I have a Scala Rider 2 and a Garmin Nuvi 765, and they pair up. I don't see why one would work while the other wouldn't. Is the Bluetooth technology that much different between the Scala 2 & the G4?
Drop the Scalas and pick up some SENAs. I had Scalas and I was much more impressed over all with the whole experience than I was with Scala.
I've got two Q2s that I use. I just pair with my iPhone for music and GPS.

Motion X GPS and Motion X GPS drive both allow you to download maps for offline use (GPS when you're out of cell range to download maps on the fly)

Garmin USA and Garmin N. America come with the US already included.
Holly and I tried the units out yesterday. I cabled myself to the gps (not a big deal), and we found that the VOX feature did not work at all, and when we did make a manual intercom connection, Holly dropped her iPhone connection. I'm going to try a different unit of the same model before I bail.

Does anyone know of the Q2 pairs with nuvi's, or if the Sena pairs?
