Fighting Winter Tooth and Nail...


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Last night we got a dusting of snow that actually stuck to the roads.

It was enough that - despite this morning's melt - left enough questionable patches in shade to keep the bike grounded.

Now, I live in far-north eastern Illinois.

I have the gear to keep me comfortable, and among the straightest (read: boring) commutes to work at about 40 minutes.

Minimal traffic because I can generally pick my commute times.

I am fighting tooth-and-nail packing her up for the winter.

Rode every single day since I got her, until today.

Anybody wanna' either encourage me to pull the moth-ball trigger, or give me hope I can keep her ready to roll in the garage?

I really, REALLY don't want to stop...
I live in the Chicago suburbs and just put her away on Wednesday.

I'd like I ride year round, and have ridden as low as about 15 degrees F without too much discomfort, but I couldn't sustain it for more than an hour before loathing it. For me, the real problem is the lack of snow removal in my area and the Chicagoland insistence that "more salt" is the answer. Almost impossible to keep the bike clean around here in winter. So, all that adds to less frequent riding. So last year I decide that from then on, I'd clean my baby up, change fluids etc., then lust after it in the garage for three months. When the first above 40 day rolls around, I'm like a kid at Christmas all over again.

Of course, others maintain their riding year round in this area.

Oh, an if you think you will winterize at some point, I'd consider doing it soon. Washing the bike in 20 degree weather is also a pain.

Just my more than .02


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Oh, an if you think you will winterize at some point, I'd consider doing it soon. Washing the bike in 20 degree weather is also a pain.

I'm supposed to be washing this thing?

3200+ miles in the last two months, she doesn't stop longer than I need to clean and oil the chain, if I can help it.

It's like a battle-axe...I keep it sharpened, but it's seldom clean. ;)
I live in the Atlanta Ga area, so snow is not really an issue here and year round riding is common. I did live in Wisconsin (Milwaukee area) for the first 10 years of my life, and do remember the snow and salt. We don't have too many problems around here with salt causing rust due to our lack of colder weather and snow, but as an automotive technician I really HATE working on cars from up there. I also have friends up there that don't drive their nicer cars in the winter for the same reason (salt/corrosion/rust).

That being said, I would PUT IT UP as soon as the salt trucks started rolling!
Mine is in the garage and on the battery tender, but not completely put away. I doubt I'll being going on any long rides until spring. I have a few mods I want to get done this winter, so I guess it's about time to put the cover on and call it a year. :(
I live in the Atlanta Ga area, so snow is not really an issue here and year round riding is common. I did live in Wisconsin (Milwaukee area) for the first 10 years of my life, and do remember the snow and salt. We don't have too many problems around here with salt causing rust due to our lack of colder weather and snow, but as an automotive technician I really HATE working on cars from up there. I also have friends up there that don't drive their nicer cars in the winter for the same reason (salt/corrosion/rust).

That being said, I would PUT IT UP as soon as the salt trucks started rolling!

they dont use salt down here :p its sand
I still ride in the cold, but the first sign of ice i pack it in, its soooo not worth the risk of dumping the bike, id much rather stare at it in the garage then stare at it in pieces as i stand there shivering on the side of the road
Im down in the central illinois area, and the bike was put away last weekend due to the weather turning. There were a lot of reports of black ice, and cars off the road yesterday when we got some snow.

I think its a safe choice to say the bike will probably need put away for a bit. Theres usually at least one day each month to get out and ride it may not be a long term storage for ya!
I'm from the northeast US originally and there is no way I'm touching my bike in the winter if there's a chance of ice. The only wreak I've been in was with my very new car and black ice VS telephone pole.

That said, it's a thread like this that makes me thankful I'm in the deep south now. I missed my whole summer ride because of repairs to the bike. I'm working on winterizing the bike now to try and get my ride time in.