Got my new Top Sellerie seat!!


Easy Rider
Mar 2, 2009
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I finally had enough with the stock plank on my fizzer and ordered a seat from TS. I bought one of their "bargain" seats off the website that I thought was about what I might have custom ordered anyway. It's a "Type 1 Deluxe" with a combination of SEL003 and SEL005 material with red stitching and an FZ6 logo.

It was shipped via UPS and took 6 days to get here (June 21 to June 27). The courier missed me yesterday so I got it today. Pretty impressive IMO, but then again it cost me 67 euros for shipping so I would expect it to be quick. Duty, tax and brokerage was $40 CND (that's the "C.O.D." referred to on the box).

It came very well packaged, and looks fantastic. The base on it is obviously used but that's no secret. I transferred all the rubber plugs from my old seat to this one and I can tell you - it fits the bike perfectly! I have not had the chance to ride it yet but just sitting on it feels way more comfortable. I think it sits a little higher also, which is something I was hoping for.

I'll post back with a ride report.






That's pretty good.

I'll push the button one of these days.....

My bike is a white naked with red stripe down the tank. I think that seat would "pop" on my bike :rockon:
Looks good. I am looking at doing the same. Think I will go with the blue stitching. Mine is a black, 2007. Where did you get the slip on exhaust from and how much?
I love this seat compared to my old Corbin. Your butt will thank you. Kazza, just pull the pin already... you know you want one! ;)
Awesome looking seat! I have a question though, does the seat come standard with the gel padding or did you add it when you purchased the seat? Was looking on the website and it seems to be an extra option.
I wish...

I wish you guys would stop ordering these seats with color stripes, as you're killing my chance of scoring a second hand seat from the forum which will look good on my silver 2004. :)

Years ago, I committed myself that I wouldn't buy a new aftermarket exhaust or seat.... I already scored the used laser quad exhaust years ago, so now I just have to wait it out for a seat. :D
I rode today so here's a little review. The first thing I noticed was that I am definitely sitting up higher, which is something I wanted. I've always felt a little cramped in the knees being 6'1", so that problem is solved. I'm also more forward because of the backrest, just a little but enough that I felt a bit more weight on my hands. The seat itself is very comfortable, though it will take a bit of getting used to. Once I found the "pocket" and settled in, it was great.

To answer a few questions:

There is no gel in the seat. I don't think it needs it anyway.

The Canadian price was $373 shipped, then $40 for duty, brokerage etc..

The slip on exhaust is Two-Bros, which was salvaged from a wrecked bike. The cans survived with a couple minor dents that I fixed, and they needed a steel wool sanding and re-pack but turned out good.

I feel absolutely no heat from the pipes through this seat.

Money well spent? You betcha!
OK so I got a nice long ride in today and can offer a better review of the TS seat. Took my favorite route through Longview and up Highway 40 through Kananaskis from the south. This is a mountain pass with amazing views and some of the nicest riding in the Canadin Rockies.

The seat was very comfortable, and having ridden it a few times I have gotten used to the change in riding position (slightly up and forward). My butt was thanking me, as unlike the stock seat I had no discomfort or numbness. I was able to ride for much longer distances, and really only stopped to get a drink or give my neck a stretch. Also, because the seat is slighly higher than stock, my knees didn't get the least bit stiff. I couldn't be happier about that because it was one problem I had with the FZ6.

I hate reviews that are nothing but raving on, but there's not much to complain about. I do find that this seat is a bit more forward sitting than stock, and maybe that's a negative. If the seat rest had less padding in it, then it may be better.

Bottom line - this seat rules! It's RAD (Ride All Day). The quality is excellent and the fitament is spot-on. I'm not sure that someone more than about 6'2" or a with long reach would be happy about being moved forward a bit, it's kind of a personal thing. Changing to straight bars would probably solve that issue.

Do you think if I put handle bar risers on AND grabbed this seat -- it would be too close to the bars? I'm 5'6" and I feel like my riding position is causing me to push on my wrists too much when gripping the bars so my hand(s) go numb.
Do you think if I put handle bar risers on AND grabbed this seat -- it would be too close to the bars? I'm 5'6" and I feel like my riding position is causing me to push on my wrists too much when gripping the bars so my hand(s) go numb.

Do you have a stock set up right now? I'm guessing that you're pushing on the bars because you're leaned over too much, is that the case? If so then I could see risers and a seat like this one helping. I actually found that just changing the angle of the stock bars makes a world of difference in hand comfort.